
实现学生课堂互动最大化的若干金点子 - 英语教学法著作选读201908(总第0145)

 昵称70926123 2020-07-21



两个典型事例体现的选项、决定与行动:关于“课堂教学管理”的五六思考 - 英语教学法著作选读201906(总第0143期)

关于课堂互动的几点探讨 – 英语教学法著作选读201907(总第0144)



下文选自上海外语教育出版社出版的《学习教学:英语教师指南(Learning Teaching: A Guidebook for English language teachers)》(作者Jim Scrivener)第二章“An Introduction to Classroom Management”(课堂教学管理入门)。


Maximizing student interaction in class: some ideas


Remember the characteristics suggested by Carl Rogers for creating an effective learning environment. Be as honestly yourself as you can be. Respect the learners. Work on seeing things from their perspective as well as your own.


Encourage a friendly, relaxed learning environment. If there is a trusting, positive, supportive rapport amongst the learners and between learners and teacher, then there is a much better chance of useful interaction happening.


Ask questions rather than giving explanations.


When you want students to discuss something, ask ‘open’ questions (eg where, what, who, why, how, when questions that require a longer answer) rather than ‘closed’ questions (eg verb-subject questions that require nothing more than yes or no). For example, instead of ‘Is noise pollution a bad thing?’(answer = yes or no) you could ask ‘What do you think about noise pollution?’

当你想要让学生讨论点什么的时候,要问“开放式”问题(如在哪里,什么,谁,为什么,怎么样,什么时候,这样的问题需要更详尽的答复)而不是“封闭式”问题(如简单的主谓问句,只要答个yes、no)。例如,不要问“Is noise pollution a bad thing?”(答案是yes或no),可以问“What do you think about noise pollution?”。

Allow time for students to listen, think, process their answer and speak.


Really listen to what they say. Let what they say really affect what you do next. Work on listening to the person, and, the meaning, as well as to the language and the mistakes.


Allow thinking time without talking over it. Allow silence.


Increase opportunities for STT (Student Talking Time).

增加STT(学生发言时间,Student Talking Time)的机会。

Use gestures to replace unnecessary teacher talk.


Allow students to finish their own sentences.


Make use of pairs and small groups to maximize opportunities for students to speak.


If possible, arrange seating so that students can all see each other and talk to each other (ie circles, squares and horseshoes rather than parallel rows).


Remember that the teacher doesn’t always need to be at the front of the class. Try out seating arrangements that allow the whole class to be the focus (eg teacher takes one seat in the circle).


Encourage interaction between students rather than only between student and teacher and teacher and student. Get students to ask questions, give explanations, etc to each other rather than always to you. Use gestures and facial expressions to encourage them to speak and listen to each other.


Encourage co-operation rather than competition. In many activities (probably not in a test or exam) you may want to encourage students to copy ideas from others, or ‘cheat’. Although much of our own educational experience may suggest that this kind of co-operation is to be discouraged, it seems to me to be useful and positive — we learn from others and from working through our own mistakes. If this is true, then it means that the teacher can concentrate more on the process of learning than simply on a plunge towards the ‘right answers’. The result of a learning exercise becomes less important than the getting there.


Allow students to become more responsible for their own progress. Put them in situations where they need to make decisions for themselves.


If a student is speaking too quietly for you to hear, walk further away, rather than closer to them! (This sounds illogical - but if you can’t hear them,then it’s likely that the other students can’t either. Encourage the quiet speaker to speak louder so that the others can hear.) 




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