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 昵称70934705 2020-07-23



The problem, according to Dr. Carissa Baker-Smith, an epidemiologist at the University of Maryland and the lead data scientist on the new American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines,[1]  is that many of these issues go undetected until disaster strikes. 


She points to several studies that provided the definitive evidence that although heart disease often may not become apparent until adulthood, its seeds are planted in childhood. 


A study called Pathobiological Determinants of Atherosclerosis in Youth in the 1990’s and the ongoing Bogalusa Heart Study have measured the prevalence of narrowed and hardened arteries (atherosclerosis) in adolescents and young adults who died accidentally. 


Both studies show strong associations between atherosclerosis - a leading predictor of heart disease - and smoking, cholesterol levels and hypertension. "I really want people, especially parents, to understand that high blood pressure does occur in kids. We\\\\\\'re seeing adult disease in children," Baker-Smith says.


These results challenge the now-outdated notion that hypertension in kids was primarily the result of congenital conditions that affected the kidney and heart. Although genetics accounts for one-fifth of all high blood pressure cases in kids under 18, the remainder are "adult-style" hypertension issues, caused by a convergence of biological and environmental factors. 


Large epidemiological studies by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have documented a rise in systolic blood pressure and in diastolic blood pressure in children between 1988 and 2000, which suggests the increase in pediatric hypertension isn\\\\\\'t just the result of heightened awareness. Although adults have a single cutoff[2]  for potential blood pressure problems, determining that point is more complex for pediatricians because blood pressure in growing children varies by age, height and sex. 


Even when doctors were vigilant about screening for blood pressure issues in children, they struggled to interpret those results. "A lot of doctors were very confused," says Dr. Suzanne Lazorick, a pediatrician and preventive medicine physician at Eastern Carolina University.


Kaelber puts it more starkly. "If you reviewed electronic medical records [for children], you could see blood pressures recorded, but the pediatrician never diagnosed hypertension," he says. Physicians were unclear about what blood pressure level was too high,[4]  so the condition in children went unnoticed.





These challenges led Kaelber and Dr. Joseph Flynn, a nephrologist at the University of Washington, to call for a revision of the 2004 guidelines they had authored. 


Baker-Smith led a review of the 15,000-plus studies published since 2004 to create a rigorous base from which to distill findings. From there, they reviewed how well the current standards were working and what scientists were learning about high blood pressure in children and adolescents. 


The finaldocument contains several major changes from previous recommendations, including how to measure blood pressure and how doctors diagnose hypertension, as well as the terminology to use.


Instead of screening for high blood pressure at every health care visit, the new guidelines say to screen only at annual well-child visits beginning at age 3. Many transient factors can affect blood pressure, including stress and caffeine, which could lead to inaccurate data and unnecessary testing. And doctors need several blood pressure readings to make a diagnosis of hypertension.


The panel also altered the transition from pediatric blood pressure tables to the 120/80 mmHg cutoff used for adults. The transition used to come at age 18, so a child could have abnormal blood pressure at the age of 17 years and 364 days and then be fine the next day, Kaelber says. The new tables begin transitioning children to adult markers at age 13, depending on height and weight. This provides more consistency and will ease the transition to adult blood pressure standards.


To de Jesus, the importance of the new guidelines in ensuring adequate diagnosis and treatment of childhood hypertension can\\\\\\'t be overstated.[5] When kids are young, they can completely  reverse  cardiovascular  damage  from hypertension or high cholesterol. By the time they reach adulthood, however, this ability diminishes.


Kaelber, Flynn, Baker-Smith and colleagues also recalibrated the blood pressure tables to include only children with normal weights. Pediatricians decide if[6]  a child\\\\\\'s blood pressure is high by comparing it with those of a group of healthy children. 


But the growing numbers of children who are overweight and obese, two traits strongly linked to increased blood pressure, have skewed that benchmark data[7] . Using only normal-weight children provides a better definition for a healthy blood pressure, Baker-Smith says. 


The team also eliminated the need for echocardiograms (an ultrasound of the heart) unless the child requires medication, a change that reflects the growing number of hypertensive children without underlying congenital heart issues. 


For those with more severe hypertension in need of medication, echo-cardiograms have revealed cardiac complications more usually seen in adults, such as left ventricular hypertrophy, a thickening of the heart muscle.


Lastly, the guideline revision group changed the term "pre-hypertension," used to indicate children whose blood pressure was a concern but who didn\\\\\\'t meet clinical definitions of hypertension, to "elevated blood pressure." 


The new language is intended to sound an alarm. "Parents tend to hear pre-hypertension and think it\\\\\\'s not a problem because it\\\\\\'s before a disease, but that\\\\\\'s not what we\\\\\\'re trying to say," Lazorick says.


The increasing reliance on ambulatory blood pressure monitoring devices could pose a challenge. Although these monitors provide increased accuracy, not all pediatricians have access to them. Ramping up[8]  the availability of ambulatory monitoring will be key to putting the recommendations into practice, Lazorick says.


Although some of these guidelines may seem more conservative-hypertension screening only at regular preventive care visits, reduced recommendations for echocardiogram - they actually decrease the potential for over-diagnosis of pediatric hypertension. "No one wants to give kids a diagnosis they don\\\\\\'t have or a treatment they don\\\\\\'t need," Baker-Smith says.


No standards can eliminate the risk of overdiagnosis. But given that first-line treatment for children with high blood pressure is dietary and physical activity changes, Baker-Smith says this advice is low-risk and can benefit many children, even those without hypertension. Making these changes isn\\\\\\'t easy, especially in a culture awash in salty, fatty foods. 


By starting early and modeling healthy behaviors, de Jesus says, parents can teach their kids to make good decisions about food and exercise as they get older and have more autonomy. "Even adults struggle to choose water over soda or juice. How can we expect a 10-year-old to do that?" Lazorick asks.


But for children diagnosed with high blood pressure, having an adult disease requires growing up fast.  


[1] 插入语,并不影响文章的理解,阅读的时候可以忽略,关键的主体还是the problem is that

[2] 截止点;界限

[3] 英文中的关联词可以用“although”表达虽然,但是的意思,但是在中文的关联词是必须要补充完整的,前面有虽然,后面就要有但是,所以这里就需要增词。


 [4] 这句是省略了that 的宾语从句

 [5] V,夸大,夸张;不会夸大,就是正常的意思,翻译标准符合医学英语的语言特点

 [6] 条件状语从句

 [7] Who、引导的定语从句修饰children,同上期讲的一样把定语翻译到中心词前面

词句的主语是“the growing numbers of children who are overweight and obese”谓语部分是“have skewed


 [8] V.加强,加大,根据本文主体翻译成普及,非谓语动词(主动)

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