
Metro English - 186 - Family related words 与Family 相关的词

 新用户02986T3F 2020-09-17


family day:  A day for families especially with young children.  
家庭日:一个为家庭所准备的日子 – 特别是那些有小孩子的家庭。
This holiday was first observed in Alberta in 1990, followed by Saskatchewan in 2007 and Ontario in 2008. On May 28, 2012, the BC government announced that Family Day would be observed on the second Monday in February each year, starting February 11, 2013.
Nearly two-thirds of Canadians reside in a province that observes a statutory holiday on the third Monday of February. The holiday is called Family Day in five provinces (Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Ontario and Saskatchewan), Louis Riel Day in Manitoba, and Islander Day in Prince Edward Island. There is no federally established Family Day.
This Sunday is family day at the amusement park.
family matters(There are several shows or books called "Family matters". To me, there's a double meaning. "Matters" is either a noun, meaning "something regarding the family", or it's a verb, something like "family is important".
family leavea usually unpaid leave of absence for an employee to attend to family concerns (such as a serious illness or the care of an infant).
Parental leave, or family leave, is an employee benefit available in almost all countries. The term "parental leave" may include maternity, paternity, and adoption leave; or may be used distinctively from "maternity leave" and "paternity leave" to describe separate family leave available to either parent to care for small children. In some countries and jurisdictions, "family leave" also includes leave provided to care for ill family members. Often, the minimum benefits and eligibility requirements are stipulated by law.
Unpaid parental or family leave is provided when an employer is required to hold an employee's job while that employee is taking leave. Paid parental or family leave provides paid time off work to care for or make arrangements for the welfare of a child or dependent family member. The three most common models of funding are social insurance/social security (where employees, employers, or taxpayers in general contribute to a specific public fund), employer liability (where the employer must pay the employee for the length of leave), and mixed policies that combine both social security and employer liability.
family historypast occurrences (of a medical or mental health condition) in family members or past incidences (of a type of behavior) by family members.
In medicine, a family history (FH or FHx) consists of information about disorders from which the direct blood relatives of the patient have suffered. Genealogy typically includes very little of the medical history of the family, but the medical history could be considered a specific subset of the total history of a family.[citation needed] Accurate knowledge of a patient's family history may identify a predisposition to developing certain illnesses, which can inform clinical decisions and allow effective management or even prevention of conditions.
They have a family history of heart disease.
family lifethe kind of life a person normally leads when one is married and has children
When members of a family enjoy each other's company and spend a lot of time doing things together, this is an example of a good family life.
family man:  a man who lives with his wife and children, especially one who enjoys home life.
"I'm very much a family man and need to be close to those I love."
family frienda person who has known and spent time with one's family.
It will feel like re-encountering a long-lost family friend.
family waycondition of being pregnant.  怀孕的状态。
she is in a family way.  她怀孕了。
family reunion: A planned unique or infrequent gathering of family members or distant relatives. This phrase is usually used for gatherings of family members who infrequently meet and are geographically separated.

occurrences 发生的事情;存在的事物

re-encountering  重逢

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九月份,Metro English的主题是House - Home - Family 家-家-家。我们来看看,这些对我们那么重要的地方都涵盖了什么?究竟是什么,让我们这么孜孜不倦地努力,无论再苦再累,每天都会愿意回到那里的被称为家的地方?

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