
How to stay young?

 bennychee007 2020-09-26

Keep a young heart and spirit is the key step for a young life!

Keep the mind being active and positive like the young, and keep doing the thing as the young does!

Don't think about the age, ignore it, and do what you like to do when you were young!

Play, and do excersice that is the second step for being young!

Persisitance for keep a good hobby, when you are alone, you would not feel lonely!

Young mind makes the young life!

Keep doing everything which seems active and positive,and make oneself creative and ready-to-do, for oneself for someone else!

And for a whole life, the good habit is another step for being young!Regular diet and sleep,moving the body to look young and sporty, at least , and keep self-motivated for the whole life!

Nobody can be with you all the time ,only oneself,so enjoy the loneliness while you have to be alone,but enjoy oneslef when meeting with good one!

Nothing is important than a healthy heart in a strong body, so keep the spirit young as well as the body!

Young heart makes young life,keep staying young till one dies at 90!

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