
SIAL of Food Leads You out of Wine Profession Quandary

 酌蒲萄公社 2020-10-17

文/Joe & Melody



Starting from the spring of each year, it is the busiest moment in China and the world wine industry. Many domestic wine exhibitions have emerged one after another, and the most popular spring sugar and wine trade fairs in the industry are full of tickets, and it is hard to find a ticket.

However, in such a fierce competitive environment, it is clear that a winery needs to spend a lot of energy and resources on the "Spring Sugar". The return on investment is also one of the standards that exhibitors are worth to repeatedly measure the price/performance ratio of the exhibition.


Wine exhibition, quality is an opportunity to be seized; A whole new experience will be introduced by a grate combination between TopWine and SIAL in Shanghai. It originated from the SIAL International Food and Beverage Exhibition in France and has a history of more than 50 years.Since SIAL successfully entered Shanghai China in 2000, it has become the third biggest food show in the world, and  it has successfully held 19 exhibitions and is a large-scale and well-known international food and beverage exhibition in Asia.


According to the official data of SIAL China Food Show last year, the last China Food Show has welcomed more than 110,000 professional traders from all over China, including food importers and exporters, distributors, wholesalers and retailers, supermarkets and comprehensiveStores, to the hospitality, catering industry and other areas of food and beverage procurement.It is expected that 112,000 professional visitors will visit the exhibition this year, and more than 30% of non-wine professional visitors from other fields (such as catering, hotel, business, etc.) will help the winery exhibitors attract more customers.Resources to promote more orders.

As for a TopWine new great show, Shanghai TopWine and Food Fair became a blockbuster right away. Within 3 days, professional audiences and wine cross-border flow of visitors reached over 20,000, this great number contributed to vast orders and subsequent business opportunities. 




但是我们今天要推荐的展会是与SIAL China中食展同期同展的Topwine上海国际葡萄酒展览会。也许各位不是很了解SIAL中食展是 “何方神圣” ,首先,它起源于法国SIAL国际食品和饮料展览会,拥有50多年的历史。自2000年移植中国以来,已经成功举办了十九届展会,在亚洲范围内属于颇具规模和知名度的国际食品饮料展会。


根据去年SIAL China中食展官方数据,上届中食展共迎来超过11万位来自中国各地的专业贸易商参与,其中涵盖从食品进出口商、经销商、批发与零售商、超市与综合卖场,到酒店、餐饮业等食品与饮料采购的各个领域。预计今年将有112,000位专业观众参观展会,同时超过3成来自其他领域(如餐饮业,酒店业,事业单位采购人员等)的非葡萄酒专业观众参与,将有利于酒庄参展商吸引更多客户资源,促进更多订单。


此次与SIAL China中食展合作,将专业葡萄酒展与专业食品展完美融合,可突破原先观众种类单一等限制,食品与美酒相得益彰,实现买家双渠道跨界引流。Topwine还邀请众多世界顶级葡萄酒大师如赵凤仪MW,李志延MW等来沪授业解惑,开展大师班课程,而其他知名葡萄酒行业大咖如小皮,醉鹅娘等也将受邀出席展会中的各项活动,展会三天共计活动20余场,可谓群星璀璨,丰富多彩。


SIAL China中食展暨Topwine上海国际葡萄酒展览会






Mobile: +61 435 849 123

Email: Franky.han@wineresidentsclub.com

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