

 外语行天下 2021-06-13


成人一般指 adult,指法律上能为自己的行为负责的人,相当于 grown-up;跟其他短语动词一样,grown-up 是由短语动词 grown up 衍生过来的,因此它们三个都可用来表示长大成人,例如:

1. adult:

Children must be accompanied by an adult.儿童必须要有大人陪同。

He was a young man on the verge of becoming an adult.他是一个即将成年的年轻人。

2. grown-up:

The grown-ups sat inside while the children played in the yard.孩子们在院子里玩耍时,大人们坐在里面。

If you're good you can eat with the grown-ups.你要是听话就可以跟大人一起吃饭。

3. grow up:

Growing up with three older brothers probably did a lot to shape my personality.和三个哥哥一起长大可能对我的性格有很大影响。

All the children have grown up and the parents are left with a lot of debts.孩子们都长大了,父母也欠了很多债。

其中 adult 和 grown-up 还可作形容词;adult 指人或动物生理上发育成熟的,只作定语;也指待人接物具有成年人特点的,grown-up 指已长成大人的,或外表举止像成年人的,例如:

1. adult:

This is an adult tiger.这是一只成年的老虎。

She spent most of her adult life in prison.她成年后大部分时间都在监狱里度过。

2. grown-up:

He seems very grown up for a ten-year-old.对于一个十岁的孩子来说,他似乎已经长大了。

She has two grown-up children who work in the family business.她有两个在家族企业工作的成年子女。

长大成人主要体现在年龄上,也就是 age,那么长大成人可以用 come of age 来表示,或 overage 表示超过规定年龄的,对应的未到达法定年龄是 under age 或 underage;come of age 还可以用来表示”成熟,发达“,例如:

come of age:

Communities across the world have diverse traditions to celebrate the coming of age of their young ones.世界各地的社区都有不同的传统来庆祝年轻人的成年。

When he comes of age, he would get a large inheritance from his grandfather.当他成年时,他会从祖父那里得到一大笔遗产。

After his first few books received lukewarm response, his writing finally came of age when he published this trilogy which went on to become a bestseller.

在他最初的几本书受到冷淡的回应之后,当他出版这部三部曲并成为畅销书时,他的作品终于成熟了。His early films used to be of low quality, but with this film, he has certainly come of age as a director of high repute.他早期的电影质量不高,但有了这部电影,他无疑成了一位声名显赫的导演。

overage 或 over-age:

She had to leave the youth team when the coaches discovered she was overage.当教练们发现她年龄过大时,她不得不离开青年队。

He was a couple of months over-age for the youth team.他年龄大了几个月,进不了青年队。

under age 或 underage:

Because she was under age, her parents were still responsible for her. 因为她还未成年,她的父母仍然应为她负责。

Underage youths can obtain alcohol from their older friends. 未到法定年龄的青少年可以从年龄较大的朋友那里弄到酒。



on the verge of 意为“濒于;接近于;行将“

lukewarm 意为”微温的,无兴趣的,不热情的“等

trilogy 意为”三部曲“

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