
读懂英语:Cat got your tongue?

 英语老师覃冠平 2021-11-12
读懂英语:Cat got your tongue?

必须正视的现实是,就算你“学会”了英语“Cat got your tongue?”的中文意思“干嘛不吭声?”,你真的有机会“用”上这句地道英语跟人交流吗?



你用英语“读懂”英语“Cat got your tongue”了吗?你能“说”的英语有哪些?


1.Well,when people say:(Has the) cat got your tongue, they mean:Why are you not saying anything? Why don’t you say anything? Why are you keeping silent?
2. This is often said by adults to children.
What's the matter, has the cat got your tongue?

不读不知道,一读全明了。把下面这段“出处”的英语背下来,你学习Cat got your tongue的英语积累更丰富了:

3. The humorous idiom Cat got your tongue comes from a custom in the Mideast hundreds of years ago.

At that time it was common to punish a thief and a liar(someone who lied)in two ways:A thief would have his their right hand cut off(ripped off), and a liar would have his tongue ripped out. The cut-off hand and the tongue were then given to the king's pet cats as their daily food.

或许你“用”中文学了英语Cat got your tongue根本没有机会“用”这句英语,但至少你见英语Cat got your tongue能给你一个“用”上面英语的机会。


以后见到Cat got your tongue,你“说”的不再是中文,而是英语(能说多少说多少),你的英语在进步。

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