

 Amber看世界 2021-12-30

1.In the U.S., fewer than 20 percent of all households are nuclear family homes comprised of a mom, dad, and children. 在美国,所有家庭中只有不到20%的核心成员是由妈妈,爸爸和孩子组成的。

2.Yet nuclear families have an outsized influence on how we think about homes, how homes are designed, and the kinds of laws and policies that are implemented.


3.People who are single and have no children sometimes return to nuclear family homes, either to visit or to stay. 


4.Then, the contrast between sentimentalized notions of home and how it actually feels to be in a nuclear family home can be striking.

然而后来, 情感中的家的概念跟真正与原生家庭一起住的感觉可能会千差万别。

5.In “Single People’s Geographies of Home: Intimacy and Friendship beyond 'the Family,’” researcher Eleanor Wilkinson interviewed 20 single people who had no romantic partner, no children, and no desire to become coupled or have a conventional family of their own. 


6.When visiting their family home, she found:“…there was an underlying feeling among several of my respondents of being judged for not being part of a couple… there was a feeling that they somehow did not belong, that they were not really 'at home.’”


7.One woman told Wilkinson, “I went home last Christmas, and suddenly the house was full of photos of my cousin’s new baby… Sometimes I feel like my parents are pretty unhappy that I’ve not settled down, and perhaps more so that I’ve not had children.”


8.Many single people are invested in creating places that feel like home to them, especially if they are single people who want to stay single, such as the Single at Heart, who love being single. 


9.As I learned in my research for How We Live Now: Redefining Home and Family in the 21st Century, home, to them, could be a place that is all their own, such as an apartment or house. 


10.Or it could be a place they share 

with others. 


11.Whatever their choice, they face special challenges.


12.The rise of people who want to live alone is one of the most significant demographic trends of recent decades. 想要独居的人群数量的增长是近几十年来人口学上最显著的一种趋势。

13.But most societies have not kept up. 


14.Often, there are not enough residences for people who want a place of their own, or not enough affordable ones.


15.Parents sometimes fret that their grown children who live alone will be isolated and lonely, but research shows that often the opposite is true. 


16.People who live alone tend to take the initiative to stay in touch with others. 


17.If they live in a city or other walkable community, that can facilitate easy sociability. 


18.Living in a cohousing community, where they can have a place of their own as well as lots of opportunities for social interaction, is another increasingly popular option. 


19.Many cohousing communities are intergenerational, which can be appealing to single people who do not have kids but like having kids around.


20.Some single people create their own communities. 


21.Wilkinson described a group of five single people, all of whom had known each other for more than a decade, who settled in a small town where they could all live within walking distance of one another.


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