

 庆祝我447 2022-06-03 发布于北京






xx ['eks'eks]存在于女性体内的性连锁染色体sex-linked chromosome present in females(=any expiratory gas) 呼气,(=double strength) 双倍强度, 两倍浓度,(=normal female chromosome type) 正常女性染色体型 

oo 面向对象的(=Object Oriented)

其实XOXO是西方人的一个惯用口语词,经常出现在网络对话或者ema邮件往来中,也会用在纸笔书信中,用来表达跟对方的亲密,所表达的意思是“Hugs and Kisses(亲亲抱抱)”,具体的解释如下。

The "O" represents the arms of those persons hugging each other while the "X" is evocative of two people kissing each other.


I'll see you on Monday, love ya, XOXO.周一见,爱你哟,亲亲抱抱(么么哒)。

What Does XOXO Mean?

It's pretty common knowledge that XOXO means "hugs and kisses." As Dictionary.com defines it, the phrase is generally thought of as a "lighthearted way of expressing affection, sincerity, or deep friendship."

The X represents a kiss, while the O represents a hug. This is most likely because the X is a stylized way of showing two mouths kissing, and the O looks like two pairs of arms connecting for a hug. While XOXO is a symbol of love, it's not always meant to be taken as a symbol of undying passion. XOXO is just as appropriate to use as an email sign-off to a friend as it is to use to sign an anniversary card to a significant other. 

What Is the History of XOXO?

You have to wonder where XOXO actually came from. While it's easy to assume it was invented by Hallmark for greeting cards, the history is actually a lot more interesting and complicated. We don't know exactly where XOXO came from, but there are plenty of theories out there.

One theory takes XOXO all the way back to the Middle Ages. "Tracing back to the Middle Ages, historians today believe that since many people could not read or write, they would use the 'X' symbol to sign important documents, meant to represent sincerity, faith, and honesty," says Samuels. "The signer then kissed the cross, as a display of their sworn oath."

Anand also notes that the most popular theory behind the history of XOXO is rooted in Christianity. "Turns out, an X looks a bit like a cross, and it was seen as a salutation representing goodwill," he shares. Historians also say that X meant Christ, and it's a symbol they still see in medieval churches.

But what about the O? The explanation for how it ended up symbolizing a hug is a bit murkier. "Historians continue to theorize that Jewish immigrants arriving in the U.S. that could not read or write used a circular symbol in place of their signature, since a cross did not align with their religious beliefs," Samuels says.

Historians aren't sure when X and O came together to become XOXO. But The Washington Post notes that one of the earliest documented instances of reading XOXO was in a published letter in 1960.1 It's clear that, at some point, people put both of these symbols together, making them into the popular phrase we know today.



详细来说,diss是 disrespect(不尊重) 或是 disparage(轻视) 的简写。作为hiphop文化发展的必然产物,它也开始慢慢流行开来。 如果你记忆力足够好的话,最著名的莫过于吴亦凡为回应某社区所自创的diss track.....

Never disrespect/disparage anyone, behave graciously and stay open-minded.



再然后,今天要给大家介绍的 第三个缩略语是“ LOL“。

第一个解释你肯定想到了,没错,就是“League of Legends(英雄联盟)”,如今00后超爱的一款游戏。

第二个解释就是老外常说的“Laughing Out Loudly(放肆大笑)”,也就是我们中文里常说的“爆笑”,例句学习一哈~

After telling Jane the joke, Tom cannot stop laughing out loudly.




这个缩略语其实与“LOL”的意思差不太多,小编在外网看到搞笑新闻时,经常看到许多网友的评论中有“LMAO”,它的全称是“Laughing My Ass Off”,可以译为“笑得屁滚尿流”,可以说很接地气了。

I was laughing my ass off while I was watching this TV series.


LMAO! His behavior was ridiculous.



再然后, 今天第五个要给大家介绍的缩略语是“ BFF“。

众所周知,在英文中,男朋友可以缩写成“BF”,也就是boy friend,女朋友可以缩写成“GF”,也就是girl friend。与此同时,朋友也有等级之分,比如说从泛泛之交,到普通朋友,再到亲密朋友,再到闺蜜死党等,这些朋友构成了我们的圈子。

除了熟知的“BF”和“GF”,你知道缩写“BFF”代表着什么含义吗?看起来像是男朋友多了一个friend,难道是三角恋吗?英语有时候就是容易让人想入非非,其实不是啦,“BFF”的全称是“Best Friends Forever(最好的朋友;闺蜜,死党)”,这种朋友通常十分靠得住。

I always have their back as they are my best friends forever.



再继续,今天要给大家介绍的第六个缩略语是“ ASAP“。

乍眼一看,小编还以为是某个国际组织。其实,该缩略语我们经常用到,在生活中也经常说。它的全称就是“As Soon As Possible”,意为“尽快,赶快”。

You should settle the problem, ASAP.




说到“CUL”,我们在日常生活中使用的频率超级高。其实,它就是“See You Later”的首字母缩写,C和See的发音一样,所以它的首字母是C。

I have some extra work to do. See you later.

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