

 雅思月计划 2022-07-15 发布于四川
Coherence and Cohesion(简称CC)作为雅思写作四大评分标准之一,  相信大家都不会陌生;但实际来说,很多同学并不真正理解 Cohesion 到底是什么(Coherence 我们放到以后谈)。

根据官方解释:Cohesion refers to the way ideas are connected and is usually managed by using linking words.

想必大家都注意到了 linking words。于是不少同学都误以为 linking words 就是把however, on the other hand 等 transition signals过渡词用上就可以了, 这的确是其中一部分。

比如在表达对比时写上 in comparison,给出例子时写 for instance,下结论时写 to conclude 等等。这些确实都没有问题,但这不是全部。

Linking 还包括 referencing by using pronouns(代词指代)using substitution(同义替换)

1. transition signals
2. referencing by using pronouns
3. using substitution


今天我们只说 transition signals 的问题,2和3放到后面再跟大家展开。下面是考官评语中提到的文章,为了减少阅读时间,只给出了两个段落,段落讨论的话题是:Advertising is so common that we no longer pay attention to it.

Advertisements can act as a strong persuasion device to seemingly hypnotize people into buying goods and services. This is so because of the tactics placed in the messages, such as showing people having a good time together when using a particular product, using bandwagen, showing only the upsides of usage, and applying compare and contrast strategies to show the effects of using the product and make it stand out. Even if people do not know it, these messages are repeated several times and soon it may brainwash people to finally go out and get the product. For instance, if a person is watching television and sees a certain advertisement of a snack many times, the repeated
sight of the scrumptious food may result in that person feeling hungry and succumbing to the advertisement at last.

In conclusion, advertisements can be successful in persuading people to purchase goods and services, or they can be unsuccessful in many ways. They are very commonly seen nowadays, but not all of them fulfill their purpose. Thus, advertisements must be designed and presented in the correct way to result in the highest effectiveness.



写作月计划 · 用心做好课

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