

 Amber看世界 2022-07-17 发布于重庆

1.A federal judge says a woman's lawsuit against Subway can move forward, refusing the restaurant chain's request to dismiss the suit that alleges its tuna sandwiches "partially or wholly" lack tuna.


2.Plaintiff Nilima Amin of Alameda County, Calif., says Subway misled her and other consumers by saying its sandwiches and other products contain "tuna" and "100% tuna."

加利福尼亚州阿拉米达县的原告尼利玛·阿明说,赛百味误导了她和其他消费者,称其三明治和其他产品含有“金枪鱼”和“100% 金枪鱼”。

3.Amin's lawsuit cites a marine biologist who analyzed 20 samples of tuna offerings from 20 different Subway restaurants and found "no detectable tuna DNA sequences whatsoever" in 19 samples. 

阿明的诉讼援引一位海洋生物学家的话说,他分析了来自 20 家不同赛百味餐厅的 20 份金枪鱼产品样本,并在 19 份样本中发现“没有任何可检测到的金枪鱼 DNA 序列”。

4.But, Amin says, the samples did contain other types of animal DNA, such as from chicken and pork.

但是,阿明说,这些样本确实包含其他类型的动物 DNA,例如来自鸡肉和猪肉的 DNA。

5.Subway asked U.S. District Judge Jon Tigar to dismiss the case, saying in part that its tuna sandwich routinely includes other ingredients, such as mayonnaise (which contains eggs).

赛百味要求美国地方法官 约翰·泰格尔驳回此案,部分原因是其金枪鱼三明治通常包含其他成分,例如蛋黄酱(含有鸡蛋)。

6.Subway also says a reasonable consumer watching a "sandwich artist" prepare their order would recognize that there's a chance for cross-contact between various ingredients.


7.But Tigar recently ruled that Amin's lawsuit should continue, saying the facts at the heart of the case aren't settled. 

但 泰格尔最近裁定阿明的诉讼应继续进行,称案件的核心事实尚未解决。

8.He also noted that some of the allegations "refer to ingredients that a reasonable consumer would not reasonably expect to find in a tuna product."


9.As that quote suggests, the case centers on what consumers expect when they order a tuna sandwich: The word "tuna" appears 244 times in the plaintiff's 28-page amended complaint.

正如那句话所暗示的那样,本案的重点是消费者在订购金枪鱼三明治时的期望:“金枪鱼”一词在原告长达 28 页的修订诉状中出现了 244 次。

10.Amin is seeking a jury trial and class-action status for her lawsuit, which accuses Subway of fraud, false advertising, and unfair competition. 


11.The suit seeks restitution, punitive damages and "disgorgement of all ill-gotten gains" from Subway, one of the top-grossing restaurant chains in the U.S.


12.In response to a request from NPR, a Subway spokesperson insisted on the integrity of its fish sandwich, stating, "Subway serves 100% tuna."

应 美国广播公司的要求,赛百味发言人坚持其鱼三明治的完整性,并表示:“赛百味供应的是 100% 的金枪鱼。”

13.Of Judge Tigar's ruling, they added, "We are disappointed the Court felt it couldn't dismiss the plaintiffs' reckless and improper lawsuit at this stage."


14.The suit repeatedly states that when someone orders a tuna sandwich, they should not be given a sandwich that contains "other fish species, animal products, or miscellaneous products."


15.Months after the lawsuit emerged in early 2021, more questions arose about Subway's tuna when The New York Times reported that testing it commissioned of fish samples from three Subway locations found "no amplifiable tuna DNA" of the five tuna species for which it tested.

在 2021 年初诉讼出现几个月后,当《纽约时报》报道称,它委托对赛百味三个地点的鱼类样本进行测试时,发现其测试的五种金枪鱼“没有可扩增的金枪鱼 DNA”,引发了更多关于赛百味金枪鱼的问题。

16.In response to the allegations, Subway has maintained that it uses "wild-caught skipjack tuna regulated by the Food and Drug Administration" — as the company states on a special website it created called SubwayTunaFacts.com.

作为对这些指控的回应,赛百味坚称它使用的是“受食品和药物管理局监管的野生鲣鱼”——正如该公司在其专门创建的名为 SubwayTunaFacts.com 网站上所说的那样。

17.Subway says the Times report is false, and relies on a type of DNA test that can't reliably determine whether a food sample contains tuna, particularly if the meat has been cooked and processed.

赛百味表示,《泰晤士报》的报道是错误的,并且依赖于一种 DNA 测试,无法可靠地确定食物样本中是否含有金枪鱼,尤其是在肉类已经煮熟和加工的情况下。

18.The lawsuit against Subway states that lab testing of tuna samples targeted four different primers, including vertebrates and tuna. 


19.The most recent complaint doesn't single out any specific type of tuna, although earlier versions of the complaint did.


20.The judge in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California did give Subway a partial victory, dismissing the claims of Amin's fellow plaintiff who hadn't confirmed whether she had paid for a Subway tuna sandwich. 


21.He also dismissed part of Amin's suit that he described as stating a "tuna salad, sandwich, or wrap contains 100% tuna and nothing else."

他还驳回了阿明的部分诉讼,他称其为“金枪鱼沙拉、三明治或卷饼含有 100% 金枪鱼,仅此而已”。

22.Tigar gave Amin three weeks to respond to that portion of his ruling, before the case moves to the next stage.




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