
春困秋乏夏打盹英文怎么说? | 处暑End of Heat

 萨萨的小站 2022-08-23 发布于内蒙古

- 中国传统二十四节气 -

2022 End of Heat


End of Heat处暑

24 solar terms contains the wisdom of the ancient Chinese people. Even though, with the time changes and because of the vast of the Chinese territory, it may not perfectly fit the weather conditions of each area, however, it is a good guidance for us to follow to adjust the tempo of our lives and eating habits.


1.What does End of Heat refer to?

The End of Heat means the "end of the dog days". It may be true in north China, in the southern area, however, the Indian Summer comes around at this time of the year, which means the heat weave will still last for a period of time.


2.Do you feel weariness in autumn?

Have you ever heard of the old saying "People tend to feel sleepy in spring, doze in summer, and feel tired in autumn"? As the weather cools, many people feel weary. Chinese people often call it the "autumn weariness", which means that your body needs rest. During this time of year, getting some extra sleep is a good idea!



 3. Cooling food is a better choice.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, different types of food have different effects on the body, which is often categorised into two types: cooling (yin) and warming (yang) food. You should change your diet to match changes in the weather. According to these beliefs, autumn is a good time to clear excess heat from our bodies. This is why Chinese people like to eat cooling food at this time of year.



Duck is said to be a cooling (yin) food, so it's a great meat to eat during the End of Heat. But just because it's 'cooling' doesn't mean it has to be eaten cold. We can have roasted duck, cook duck with beer or coke, or make duck soup. Traditional Chinese Medicine also says that duck is beneficial for our skin, which is another good reason to eat it during the dry autumn days.


4.Start of the Fishing Season Festival

For Chinese fishermen, the period of the End of Heat is a harvest season, which means that many people can enjoy many kinds of seafood during this time of year. During this period, the Fishing Season Festival is held in regions along the coastline of the East China Sea in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Fujian provinces. It is usually held in mid-August when the fishing ban ends.







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