
法律英语与文化(7): the canon law(教会法)

 白鹤云轩 2023-07-18 发布于广东



上一篇:法律英语与文化(6): the jus commune(欧洲共同法)
The second oldest component of the civil law tradition is the canon law of the Roman Catholic Church. ——John Henry Merryman and Rogelio Pérez-Perdomo, The Civil Law Tradition (4th edition), 2018, Stanford University Press p11.
大陆法系的第二个最古老的组成部分,是罗马天主教会的教会法。——(美)约翰·亨利·梅利曼 (委)罗格里奥·佩雷斯·佩尔多莫 著,《大陆法系》(第四版),第11页。
Canon law is the body of laws and regulations made or adopted by ecclesiastical authorities for the governance of the Christian Church and its members. Derived from the Greek word 'kanon' meaning 'rule' or 'measure,' canon law has governed the conduct of clergy and the administration of the Church's sacraments, and has provided guidance to the faithful for many centuries.
With the break-up of the far-flung system of Roman administration, the Church took over some of the functions of government. Indeed, after the fall of Roman Empire, and until the revival of Roman law in the eleventh century, the single most important universalizing factor in the diverse and localized legal systems of the civil law tradition was canon law.
But canon law itself was a hybrid of sorts. It had been produced by Christian notions interacting reciprocally with Roman law after the Christianization of the Empire, a process during which the reign of Constantine (d. 337 A.D.) was an important marker. The sixth century Justinian Corpus, in particular, was affected by Christian ideas, but the Church, for its part, had borrowed freely from the structure, principles and detailed ruled of ancient Roman law.
Various collections and arrangements of canon law materials were assembled, and by the time of the Bolognese revival a substantial body of written canon law was available for study. Gratian’s Decretum, itself a compilation, was for the canon law what the Digest was for Roman law.
Gratian was a 12th-century Italian monk and scholar. He is often referred to as the 'Father of Canon Law' due to his significant contributions to the field. His Decretum was compiled around 1140 and quickly became the standard textbook for the study of canon law in the universities of Europe.
The Decretum is a collection of thousands of extracts from the decisions of church councils, papal decrees, and writings of the Church Fathers, arranged to illustrate the rules of canon law. Gratian sought to reconcile contradictions and inconsistencies among these various sources, and his work is noted for its systematic approach to canon law, applying methods of legal reasoning and argumentation similar to those used in Roman law.
Gratian's Decretum played a major role in the development of canon law during the Middle Ages and had a significant influence on the legal development of the Western world. It remained a fundamental text in the study of canon law until the 1917 Code of Canon Law, the first comprehensive codification of canon law, came into effect.
Just as the Roman civil law was the universal law of the temporal empire, directly associated with the authority of the emperor, so the canon law was the universal law of the spiritual domain, directly associated with the authority of the Catholic Church. The Bible was the most cited book in Gratian’s Decretum and the inspiration for many of its rules. In canon law development, the religious inspiration weakened but a certain moralism remained.
The study of canon law was joined with the study of the Roman civil law in the universities of the civil law world. Students studied “both laws”. The degree conferred on a student who had completed the full course of study was Juris Utriusque Doctor, or Doctor of Both Laws, referring to the civil law and the canon law. (The J.U.D. degree is still granted in some universities in the civil world.) Because the two were studied together in the universities, there was a tendency for them to influence each other; and the canon law, as well as the Roman civil law, helped in the formation of the jus commune that was subsequently received by the European states.
在大陆法系的大学里,教会法研究与罗马私法的研究融会在一起,学生修习“双法”。修完全部课程的学生被授予双法博士学位(Juris Utriusque Doctor,J.U.D.)。大陆法系国家的一些大学至今仍在授予双法博士学位。由于这两门法学在大学里被并合研究,所以存在彼此影响的趋向。教会法与罗马法一同促进了后来为欧洲国家所接受的共同法的形成。
During the Middle Ages, the Church sought and acquired jurisdiction for its own tribunals over matrimonial causes, and over certain aspects of criminal law and succession to personal property.
Canon law influenced the jus commune mainly in the areas of family law and succession (both parts of the Roman civil law), criminal law and the law of procedure. By the time the ecclesiastical courts of Europe were deprived of their civil jurisdiction, many substantive and procedural principles and institutions they had developed had been adopted by the royal courts themselves.

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