

 hercules028 2023-08-29 发布于四川


What time did you go to bed last night?


1. Is there a supermarket near here? 附近有超市吗?

2. What a beautiful picture that is! 那是一幅多么美丽的画啊!

3. Let’s hurry. 咱们快点。

4. Do you often go to a concert? 你经常去听音乐会吗?

5. What time did you go to bed last night? 你昨晚几点睡觉?

6. He lives in a house with a pool. 他住在一个带游泳池的房子里。

7. The actress looks younger than she really is. 这位女演员看上去比实际年龄年轻。

8. Can you close the window? 你能关上窗户吗?

9. There aren’t any children in this bus. 这辆汽车上没有孩子。

10. I didn’t go out yesterday because it was too cold. 我昨天没出去,因为天气太冷了。

I’m afraid of snakes


1. My son can use a computer. 我儿子会使用电脑。

2. I would like to go with you. 我想和你一起去。

3. Walking is good for health. 散步对健康有益。

4. Cheese is made from milk. 奶酪是由牛奶制成的。

5. This is not a cellphone. 这不是手机。

6. My father doesn’t smoke. 我父亲不抽烟。

7. I’d like you to stay here till I come back. 我希望你待在这里,直到我回来。

8. I’m afraid of snakes. 我怕蛇。

9. These snacks are theirs. 这些小吃是他们的。

10. May I ask a question? 我可以问一个问题吗?

What do you want for your birthday?


1. Do they play soccer after lunch? 他们午饭后踢足球吗?

2. He was happy to have passed the examination. 他很高兴通过了考试。

3. She hasn’t cleaned her room yet. 她还没有打扫房间。

4. Where did he go? 他去哪了?

5. That is an electric vehicle. 那是一辆电动汽车。

6. I have a dog. She has a cat. 我有一只狗,她有一只猫。

7. What did you do last Saturday? 你上个礼拜六干什么去了?

8. This camera is his. 这台相机是他的。

9. The house on the corner is ours. 拐角处的房子是我们的。

10. What do you want for your birthday? 你生日想要什么?

We were not playing golf then


1. A beautiful picture is on the wall. 墙上有一幅美丽的画。

2. Go straight down this road and turn right at the post office. 沿着这条路直走,然后在邮局右转。

3. My father gave me enough money to buy new clothes. 我父亲给了我足够的钱来买新衣服。

4. Who is that man? 那个男人是谁?

5. These are books. 这些是书。

6. We were not playing golf then. 那时我们不打高尔夫球。

7. Are there any people who can speak English? 这里有人会说英语吗?

8. Can you move this desk by yourself? 你自己能搬开这张桌子吗?

9. I get up at six thirty. 我六点三十分起床。

10. I watch TV every day. 我每天都看电视。

She was very kind to me


1. She was very kind to me. 她对我很好。

2. I left my jacket at the restaurant. 我把外套掉在餐厅了。

3. Which movies do you like best? 你最喜欢哪部电影?

4. Can I borrow something to write with? 我可以借些写字的东西吗?

5. Are you hungry? 你饿了吗?

6. I don’t think so. 我不这么认为。

7. The math exam was too difficult for me to solve. 数学考试太难了,我解不出来。

8. The man I had dinner with last night was Mr. Smith. 昨晚与我共进晚餐的那个人是史密斯先生。

9. The apartment was built in 1996. 该公寓建于1996年。

10. Does he play football? 他踢足球吗?

Are those your dogs?


1. Can I use your pen? 我可以用你的笔吗?

2. Where is he sleeping? 他在哪里睡觉?

3. This is the reason why I didn’t come yesterday. 这就是我昨天没来的原因。

4. Do you have an appointment? 你有预约吗?

5. This is the restaurant where we had dinner last week. 这就是我们上周吃饭的那家餐馆。

6. Are those your dogs? 那是你的狗狗吗?

7. I wasn’t listening to music in my room then. 当时我没有在房间里听音乐。

8. My son is a high school student. 我儿子是一名高中生。

9. Can your wife drive a car? 你妻子会开车吗?

10. That’s a good idea! 好主意!

Let’s go to the sea tomorrow


1. There aren’t any nice restaurants in this city. 这个城市没有什么好餐馆。

2. Can you hear me? 你能听到我说话吗?

3. Tim was very busy last week. 帝姆上周很忙。

4. I don’t know if he’ll come to the party or not. 我不知道他是否会来参加聚会。

5. What do you have in your pocket? 你的口袋里有什么?

6. I study about two hours every day. 我每天学习大约两个小时。

7. I’ll wait for you in front of Tom’s house. 我会在汤姆家门口等你。

8. Let’s go to the sea tomorrow. 我们明天去海边吧。

9. He came back without buying any wine. 他没买酒就回来了。

10. I remember playing football here last year. 我记得去年在这里踢足球。

The ball rolled down the hill


1. The boy kicked the ball to me. 那个男孩把球踢给了我。

2. The ball rolled down the hill. 球从山上滚下来。

3. My dream is to become a pilot. 我的梦想是成为一名飞行员。

4. I truly believe you can do it. 我真的相信你能做到。

5. We need to get a blood sample. 我们得去拿血液样本。

6. Your boots are covered in mud. 你的靴子被泥土覆盖。

7. I borrowed this book from him. 我从他那里借了这本书。

8. Describe your ideal breakfast. 描述一下你理想的早餐。

9. She is busy with her knitting. 她正忙着编织。

10. She went out to buy some food. 她出去买点食物。

Can I carry this on the plane?


1. He was irritated by her delay. 他对她的拖延感到恼火。

2. Take the cake out of the oven. 把蛋糕从烤箱里拿出来。

3. Would you like some more cake? 你想再来点蛋糕吗?

4. I’ll save you a piece of cake. 我会给你留一块蛋糕。

5. Can I carry this on the plane? 我能把这个带上飞机吗?

6. Most skin cancers are curable. 大多数皮肤癌都是可以治愈的。

7. He wrote the name in capitals. 他用大写字母写了这个名字。

8. The police captured the thief. 警察抓住了小偷。

9. This box is made of cardboard. 这个盒子是用纸板制成的。

10. He presents a convincing case. 他提出了一个令人信服的案例。

I think this is a wise choice


1. She saved every cent possible. 她尽可能省下每一分钱。

2. We are living in 21st century. 我们生活在21世纪。

3. It was a traditional ceremony. 这是一个传统的仪式。

4. How much is that wooden chair? 那把木椅多少钱?

5. I gave her a chance to answer. 我给了她一个回答的机会。

6. The chicken soup is delicious. 鸡汤很好喝。

7. I think this is a wise choice. 我认为这是一个明智的选择。

8. A good citizen obeys the laws. 一个好公民要遵守法律。

9. My house is north of the city. 我的房子在城市的北部。

10. The room was spotlessly clean. 房间一尘不染。

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