

 佛_依止所在 2024-03-05 发布于福建



Now, please watch yourself; do not just follow my description. Can your mind be aware of this emptiness without running away from it? It is because you are empty, lonely, that you want a companion, you want somebody on whom to depend, and that dependence breeds authority, which you follow; so the very following of authority is an indication of violence. Can the mind, seeing the truth of all that, stop running away and look at this emptiness? Do you understand what it means to look? You cannot look at this emptiness if you are  frightened of it, if you want to avoid it; you can be fully aware of it only when there is no sense of condemnation. I am going into it slowly, deliberately, so that our communication and understanding can be equal.


I am aware that I am lonely, empty, and I am watching that emptiness, but I cannot watch it if I condemn it. The very condemnation is a distraction from watching. Now, can I watch, be aware of it, without giving it a name? Do you understand? And when I do not give it a name, is the observer who watches it different from that which he watches? It is only when the watcher gives it a name that there is a division, isn’t it? 


When I say, “I am angry,” the very naming of that sensation, that reaction, brings about a duality, does it not? But if I do not name it, then that very thing is myself. Do you understand? Look, I name a feeling because the mind is trained to recognize, to give a label; but if the mind doesn’t give a label, then the separation, the division between the observer and the observed disappears. In other words, when naming ceases there is only a state, and in that state there is no separate entity to do something about it. The mind is no longer operating upon that which it wishes to understand; therefore, there is a cessation of the activity of the mind, which in its very nature is violent.


As one is, Seventh Talk in the Oak Grove


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