
Acinus (Pl. Acini) 腺泡 (解剖学)

 第七颗星 2024-03-18 发布于湖南





Acinus (Pl. Acini)  (Anatomy)[1]


     The acinus is a structural unit of the lung distal to the terminal bronchiole* and is supplied by a first-order respiratory bronchiole, with a diameter of approximately 4-8 mm. The secondary pulmonary lobule* contains between three and 25 acini. Within the acinus, all parts are involved in gas exchange (ie, they contain alveoli). The acinus consists of respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli. Normal acini are not visible radiologically but the accumulation of pathologic material within acini may be seen as small ill-defined rounded opacities (opacity*), sometimes called 'air space nodules” (9,10)[1].

      腺泡终末细支气管*远端的肺结构单元,由一级呼吸细支气管供应,直径约为4- 8mm次级肺小叶*含有3至25个腺泡。在腺泡内,所有部位都参与气体交换(即,它们包含肺泡)。腺泡呼吸细支气管、肺泡管和肺泡组成。正常的腺泡在放射学上是不可见的,但在腺泡内病理物质的积累可被视为小而模糊的圆形不透亮影(不透亮影*),有时被称为“空气间隙结节”(9,10)[1]

Anatomy.—The acinus is a structural unit of the lung distal to a terminal bronchiole and is supplied by first-order respiratory bronchioles; it contains alveolar ducts and alveoli. It is the largest unit in which all airways participate in gas exchange and is approximately 6-10 mm in diameter. One secondary pulmonary lobule contains between three and 25 acini (4).
     Radiographs and CT scans.—Individual normal acini are not visible, but acinar arteries can occasionally be identified on thin-section CT scans. Accumulation of pathologic material in acini may be seen as poorly defined nodular opacities on chest radiographs and thinsection CT images. (See also nodules.)[5]

     解剖学: 腺泡终末细支气管以远的肺结构单位,由一级呼吸细支气管供给。腺泡含肺泡管和肺泡,它是全部气道参与气体交换的最大肺单位,直径6~10mm一个二次肺小叶含3~25个腺泡[5]

    Acinus[4], n, -i. Anat. The part of the lung distal to a terminal bronchiole. It consists of respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, alveolar sacs, alveoli, and their blood vessels, Iymphatics, and supporting tissues.

     Acinus[4], n, -i. Anat. 肺末细支气管远端的肺部分它由呼吸细支气管、肺泡管、肺泡囊、肺泡及其血管、淋巴管和支持组织组成。




Figure 9.1[9]: Diagram shows anatomy and dimensions of secondary lobule and pulmonary acinus. Two secondary pulmonary lobules in the lung periphery are illustrated, with approximate dimensions of their components indicated.


Figure 9.2[9]: Radiograph of 1-mm lung slice taken from peripheral lower lobe. Two well-defined secondary pulmonary lobules are visible. Lobules are marginated by thin interlobular septa (S)containing pulmonary vein (V)branches. Bronchioles (B) and pulmonary arteries (A) are centrilobular. (Reprinted, with permission, from reference 10.)[9]

上图为1mm 厚下肺叶外周肺组织切层,可见两个清晰的二级小叶,由小叶间隔(S)分界,含有肺静脉(V)分支。支气管(B)及肺动脉(A)位于小叶中央[9]

肺泡气体交换#病理. 今日经典病理(视屏号)[3]



[1]Bankier AA, MacMahon H, Colby T, Gevenois PA, Goo JM, Leung ANC, Lynch DA, Schaefer-Prokop CM, Tomiyama N, Travis WD, Verschakelen JA, White CS, Naidich DP. Fleischner Society: Glossary of Terms for Thoracic Imaging. Radiology. 2024 Feb;310(2):e232558. doi: 10.1148/radiol.232558. PMID: 38411514; PMCID: PMC10902601.[2]伍筱梅(作者). 双语连载 | Fleischner Society(费莱舍尔学会)胸部成像术语详解[1]-acinus 肺腺泡.伍先生说(公众号). 2016-03-07 19:15[3]肺泡气体交换#病理. 今日经典病理(视屏号)[4]Tuddenham WJ. Glossary of terms for thoracic radiology: recommendations of the Nomenclature Committee of the Fleischner Society. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 1984 Sep;143(3):509-17. doi: 10.2214/ajr.143.3.509. PMID: 6380245.[5]Hansell DM, Bankier AA, MacMahon H, McLoud TC, Müller NL, Remy J. Fleischner Society: glossary of terms for thoracic imaging. Radiology. 2008 Mar;246(3):697-722. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2462070712. Epub 2008 Jan 14. PMID: 18195376.[9]Webb WR. Thin-section CT of the secondary pulmonary lobule: anatomy and the image--the 2004 Fleischner lecture. Radiology 2006;239(2): 322-338.[10]Weibel ER. Fleischner Lecture. Looking into the lung: what can it tell us?AJR Am J Roentgenol 1979;133(6):1021-1031.


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