

 冰姿飒飒 2024-03-27 发布于河北

As the story goes, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1636 AD-1912 AD) became

  1   (interest) in the local drama during his inspection of the Southern China in disguise (伪装). To celebrate his 80th birthday in 1790, he   2   (order) opera groups from different   3   (area) of China to perform for him in Beijing. After the celebration, four famous groups from Anhui province were asked to stay, for audiences were particularly satisfied   4   their beautiful melodies (旋律), colorful costumes and interesting facial makeup.

  5   (gradual) it replaced Kunqu opera, which had been popular in the palace and among the upper ranks in Beijing. Later, some groups from Hubei province came to Beijing   6   often performed together with the Anhui groups. The two types of singing blended on   7   same stage and gave birth to a new type   8   was known as Beijing opera.

Beijing opera absorbed various elements of its forerunners, such as singing, dancing and acrobatics (杂技), and adapted   9   (it) in language and style of singing to cater to Beijing audiences. With time   10   (go) by, it spread all over the country, becoming the most popular drama in China. Furthermore, Beijing opera has influenced Chinese drama greatly.



1. interested 考查词性转换。空处作表语,表示“感兴趣的”,应用interest的形容词形式。故填interested

2. ordered 考查动词的时态。讲述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时。故填ordered

3. areas 考查名词的复数。area此处意为“地区”,是可数名词,由空前different可知,此空应用名词复数,表示“不同的地区”。故填areas

4. with 考查介词。be satisfied with sth.为固定表达,意为“对某事满意”。故填with

5. Gradually 考查词性转换。空处作状语,修饰句子,应用gradual的副词形式。故填Gradually

6. and 考查连词。句意:后来,湖北的一些剧团来到北京并经常与安徽的剧团一起表演。根据句意可知,空处前后成分之间为并列关系。故填and

7. the 考查冠词。形容词same通常与定冠词the连用,表示“相同的”。故填the

8. which/that 考查定语从句。此处为限制性定语从句,先行词为a new type,指物,关系词代替先行词在从句中作主语。故填关系代词whichthat

9. itself 考查代词。此处是说京剧调整自己的语言和演唱风格以迎合北京的观众。主语Beijing operaadapted的宾语指同一事物,所以用反身代词。故填itself

10. going 考查非谓语动词。此处为with复合结构,timego by之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故用动词-ing形式作宾补。故填going

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