

 鱼爱吃栗子 2024-05-23 发布于山东

作  者:

林宏衡1、2,招文华3,翁  汭2

颜先伟1,王晓文1,任  辉3

梁  德4,江晓兵3

单  位:

1 广州中医院大学第一临床医学院;

2 广州中医药大学第三附属医院脊柱骨科;

3 广州医科大学第二附属医院脊柱骨科;

4 广州中医药大学第一附属医院脊柱骨科

摘  要

目的:比较连续两节段前路颈椎间盘切除融合(anterior cervical discectomy and fusion,ACDF)应用零切迹系统(zero-profile,ZP)与钢板联合融合器(cage-and-plate,CP)固定治疗颈椎病的临床疗效。

方法:回顾性分析2018年3月1日~2021年6月30日因颈椎病于广州中医药大学第一附属医院行连续两节段ACDF应用4钉ZP或CP固定治疗的57例颈椎病患者,其中27例采用ZP固定(ZP组),男12例,女15例,年龄37~80岁(53.0±9.9岁);30例采用CP固定(CP组),男10例,女20例,年龄39~78岁(57.4±12.4岁)。收集两组患者的体重指数(body mass index,BMI)、L1~L4骨密度(bone mineral density,BMD),术前和术后1个月、3个月、6个月、12个月和末次随访时的颈椎功能障碍指数(neck disability index,NDI)、日本骨科协会(Japanese Orthopaedic Association, JOA)评分、轴性疼痛视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale,VAS)评分,术前和术后3d、1个月、3个月、6个月、12个月和末次随访时颈椎整体曲度、手术节段曲度,末次随访时椎间融合率及邻近节段退变发生率,随访期间中间椎体塌陷发生率及其他术后并发症发生情况。

结果:两组患者手术时年龄、性别、BMI、L1~L4 BMD、随访时间、术前NDI和JOA评分、术前颈椎整体曲度和手术节段曲度等基线指标均无统计学差异(P>0.05)。术后各时间点两组患者NDI、JOA评分、轴性疼痛VAS评分较术前均显著性改善(P<0.001),两组同时间点的JOA评分无统计学差异(P=0.314);术后3个月、6个月、1年及末次随访时CP组NDI、轴性疼痛VAS评分改善程度优于ZP组(P<0.05)。末次随访时ZP组颈椎整体曲度丢失和手术节段曲度丢失均明显大于CP组(P<0.05)。末次随访时两组椎间融合率及邻近节段退变发生率无显著性差异。随访过程中ZP组出现4例中间椎体塌陷,而CP组未出现,两组间比较有统计学差异(P<0.05)。



前路颈椎间盘切除融合术(anterior cervical discectomy and fusion,ACDF)是治疗颈椎病的常用术式。钢板联合融合器(cage-and-plate,CP)、零切迹系统(zero-profile,ZP)固定融合是目前最常用的方式。相对于CP,ZP固定融合术后较少出现吞咽困难、邻椎病[1、2];显露范围小,损伤重要结构比如动脉、食道、气管的风险更低,手术耗时短[3];避免了与应用钢板相关的并发症,如钢板大小、位置不合适加快邻近节段退变[4]、钢板与螺钉交界处固定失败、螺钉松动脱出的风险[5]等。但ZP的固定强度较弱,可能影响到椎间融合率,融合器下沉概率大,难以维持颈椎生理前凸[6~8]




1.1  一般资料


1.2  手术方法


1.3  随访及评价指标

收集两组患者年龄、性别、体质量指数(body mass index,BMI)、L1~L4骨密度(bone mineral density,BMD)、手术节段、术中出血量、手术时间、住院时间、术后并发症等资料。术前、术后1个月、3个月、6个月、1年及末次随访时进行日本骨科学会(Japanese Orthopaedic Association,JOA)评分、颈椎功能障碍指数(neck disability index,NDI)评定以及轴性疼痛视觉模拟(visual analogue scale,VAS)评分。术前和术后3d、1个月、3个月、6个月、1年及末次随访时进行影像学参数评估:在各个时间点的X线片上测量颈椎整体曲度(侧位片上C2椎体后缘与C7椎体后缘之间的夹角)、手术节段曲度(融合的上位椎体后缘与下位椎体后缘之间的夹角),颈椎前凸为正值,后凸为负值。统计末次随访时颈椎生理曲度丢失的度数,并分为<2°、2°~4°、>4°进行比较;评估固定节段椎间融合以及邻近节段退变情况[12、13]。观察整个随访期间是否存在中间椎体塌陷情况,在侧位X线片上观察中间椎体的前缘高度及后缘高度,将椎体高度在随访中出现明显丢失并(或)椎体形态发生楔形改变者定义为椎体塌陷。吞咽困难评估采用Bazaz分级量表[14]

1.4  统计学方法

使用SPSS 20.0软件进行数据处理和统计学分析。计量资料保留2位小数,当满足正态性检验时,计量资料记录为x±s,两组间术前基线资料比较采用独立样本t检验,术后多个时间点的疗效比较使用两因素重复测量方差分析(同时满足Mauchly球形性假设检验),若不满足球形性假设检验,则使用多元方差分析对自由度进行校正,同时间点组间比较采用独立样本t检验。当计量资料不满足正态分布时,计量资料记录为M(P25~P75),两组间的比较使用Mann-Whitney U检验。计数资料中,双向无序资料采用卡方检验或Fisher精确检验,单向有序资料采用秩和检验。组内术前术后资料比较时,如均符合正态分布则采用配对t检验;如果无法同时满足,则采用非参数检验。P<0.05为有统计学差异。


结    果

2.1  两组患者基线资料比较



2.2  两组患者手术相关指标的比较



2.3  两组患者术后临床疗效指标的比较

ZP组随访时间18~27个月(23.04±2.52个月), CP组随访时间14~26个月(22.13±3.24个月),两组随访时间无统计学差异(P=0.24)。两组术后NDI、JOA、VAS评分均较术前均有显著性改善(P<0.01)。CP组术后3个月、6个月、1年及末次随访时的NDI、VAS评分改善程度优于ZP组(P<0.05)。两组术后各时间点的JOA评分改善程度比较无统计学差异(P=0.314)(表3)。末次随访时ZP组有12例残留轴性疼痛,CP组8例,ZP组末次随访时轴性疼痛发生率高于CP组(44.4% vs 26.7%),但无统计学差异(P=0.160)。


2.4  两组患者术后影像学指标的比较





图1  CP组典型病例:女性,52岁,行C3/4、C4/5 ACDF,术后3天(a)、1个月(b)、 3个月(c)、 半年(d)和末次随访时(e)时复查颈椎侧位X线片均未见C4椎体发生明显塌陷。


图2  ZP组典型病例:女性,53岁,行C4/5、C5/6 ACDF a 术后3天侧位X线片 b 术后1个月侧位X线片示C5椎体塌陷 c 术后3个月侧位X线片示C5椎体塌陷加重 d 术后半年侧位X线片示C5椎体塌陷进一步加重 e 末次复查对比术后半年C5椎体示进一步塌陷。


讨    论




在双节段ACDF中应用ZP存在固定节段中间椎体塌陷风险,而应用CP则没有观察到类似现象。其原因可能有以下两点:(1)从力学机制出发,双节段ACDF中应用CP主要应力通过钢板来进行传导,而应用ZP更多的应力需要通过融合器、终板、中间椎体来进行传导[21],对终板的支撑强度有更高的要求。(2)术中终板前缘损伤。由于颈椎上下终板并不完全平行,ACDF术中常常需要切除部分椎体前唇(椎间隙上终板前缘)以获得上下终板相对平行的空间进行减压并置入融合器,有限元研究表明[22],双节段ACDF应用CP固定时终板前缘损伤不会对局部应力传导产生明显改变, 但应用ZP固定时,终板前缘损伤将导致终板应力、融合器应力、中间椎体应力明显增高,从而导致中间椎体塌陷的风险增高。




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A comparison of clinical efficacies of contiguous 2-level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion using zero-profile and cage-and-plate fixation in treating cervical spondylosis/LIN Hongheng, ZHAO Wenhua, WENG Rui, et al//Chinese Journal of Spine and Spinal Cord, 2023, 33(10): 872-878



To compare the clinical efficacies of zero-profile (ZP) and cage-and-plate (CP) fixation in two contiguous levels of anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF).


57 patients with cervical spondylosis treated with 4-pin ZP or CP fixation in contiguous 2-level ACDF between March 1, 2018 and June 30, 2021 in the First Clinical Medical College of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine were retrospectively analyzed. Of all the patients, 27 were fixed with ZP (ZP group), including 12 males and 15 females, aged 37-80 (53.0±9.9) years; and the other 30 were fixed with CP (CP group), including 10 males and 20 females, aged 39-78 (57.4±12.4) years. The body mass index (BMI), L1-4 bone mineral density (BMD), preoperative and postoperative 1, 3, 6 and 12 months, and final follow-up neck disability index (NDI), Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) score, and axial pain visual analogue scale (VAS), and preoperative and postoperative 3d, and 1, 3, 6 and 12 months, and final follow-up cervical curvature, surgical segment curvature, and final follow-up interbody fusion rate and adjacent level degeneration rate, and intermediate vertebral collapse and other postoperative complications during follow-up were collected and compared between the two groups. 


No significant differences were observed in the baseline data such as age, gender, BMI, L1-4 BMD, follow-up period, preoperative NDI and JOA score, preoperative cervical curvature and surgical segment curvature between the two groups (P>0.05). Postoperative NDI, JOA score, and axial pain VAS score were improved over time in both groups (P<0.001). There was no statistical difference between the two groups in JOA score at the same time point (P=0.314). At 3 and 6 months, and 1 year and the final follow-up, the improvement of NDI and axial pain VAS scores in the CP group was significantly better than that in the ZP group (P<0.05). At the final follow-up, cervical curvature loss and surgical level curvature loss in the ZP group were significantly greater than those in the CP group (P<0.05), and there were no significant differences in the incidence of interbody fusion rate and adjacent level degeneration rate between the two groups. During the whole follow-up process, there were 4 cases of intermediate vertebral collapse in the ZP group, but none in the CP group, with statistical difference between the two groups (P<0.05).


In 2-level ACDF, compared with ZP fixation, the application of CP can better maintain the curvature of cervical spine, avoid intermediate vertebral collapse, and obtain better clinical efficacy.

Key words

Cervical spondylosis; Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion; 2-level; Zero-profile; Cage-and-plate; Intermediate vertebral body collapse

Author's address

1 First Clinical Medical College of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou, 510405, China; 2 Department of Orthopedics, the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou, 510375, China





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