

 nj200801 2010-03-03
英语900句英音版第三册FLASH播放器的地址:http://www.tudou.com/v/8MCdVnm-J_g -

第三册 -

Book3 第三册 -

第三册 -

第一课Describing objects 形容物品(301-315) -

301.What color is your book? 你的书是什么颜色? -

302.My book has a dark blue cover我的书的封面是深兰色的 -

303.How much does that typewriter weigh? 这台打字机有多重? -

304.It's not too heavy,but I don't know the exact weight好象不重,我也不知道它到底有多重。 -

305.This round table weighs about forty-five pounds这张园桌大约有45磅重。 -

306.What size suitcase do you own? 你的手提箱什么样子? -

307.One of my suitcases is small,and the other one is medium size. 我有一个小提箱,还有一个中等箱子。 -

308.I like the shape of that table. 我喜欢这张桌子的样式。 -

309.How long is Jones Boulevard? Jones Boulevard街有多长? -

310.That street is only two miles long. 这条街大约有2英里。 -

311.Will you please measure this window to see how wide it is? 你愿意量量这扇窗户有多宽? -

312.This window is just as wide as that one这扇和那扇一样宽。 -

313.The walls are three inches thick. 这墙有3英寸厚。 -

314.This material feels soft. 这种材料感觉很软。 -

315.This pencil is longer than that one. 这支铅笔比那支长。 -


第二课Asking people to do things. 请人办事(316-330) -

316.Would you please tell Mr. Cooper that Im here你能告诉Cooper先生,我在这儿。 -

317.Take these books home with you tonight今晚你可带这些书回家。 -

318.Please bring me those magazines请给我这些杂志。 -

319.Would you help me lift this heavy box? 你能帮我举起这个重盒子吗? -

320.Please ask John to turn on the lights. John开灯。 -

321.Put your books down on the table. 把你的书放在桌上。 -

322.Get me a hammer from the kitchen,will you? 请从厨房里拿一把锤子给我,行吗? -

323.Hang up my coat in the closet ,will you please? 请把我的外衣挂在壁橱里,好吗? -

324.Please don't bother me now.I'm very busy. 我现在很忙,请不要打扰我。 -

325.Would you mind mailing this letter for me? 你可以帮我寄这封信吗? -

326.If you have time,will you call me tomorrow? 如果你有时间,明天能打电话给我吗? -

327.Please pick up those cups and saucers请收起这些杯子和茶托 -

328.Will you do me a favor? 你能让我开心吗? -

328.Please count the chairs in that room. 请数一数这屋里的椅子。 -

330.Please pour this milk into that glass. 请把牛奶倒到这个杯里。 -


第三课Getting information and directions 打听情况和问路(331-345) -

331.Excuse me,sir.Can you give me some information? 对不起,先生,能向你打听一些事吗? -

332.Can you tell me where Peach Street is? 你能告诉我Peach街在哪里? -

333.It's two blocks straight ahead. 向前直走,过两个街区。 -

334.which direction is it to the theatre? 到剧院怎么走? -

335.Turn right at the next corner? 到下一个街角向右转吗? -

336.How far is it to the university? 到这所大学有多远? -

337.It's a long way from here从这儿走很远的。 -

338.The school is just around the corner这学校正好在那边角落。 -

339.The restaurant is across the street from the hotel. 从宾馆过街就到餐馆了。 -

340.You can't miss it. 你不会找不到的。 -

341.Do you happen to know Mr. Cooper's telephone number?没准你有Cooper先生的电话? -

342.Could you tell me where the nearest telephone is? 请告诉我最近能打到电话的地方? -

343.Should I go this way,or that way? 我该走这条路,还是那条路? -

344.Go that way for two blocks,then turn left. 沿这条路过两个街区,再向左拐。 -

345.I beg your pardon.Is this seat taken? 请原谅,这个座位有人吗? -


第四课Talking about family and relatives 谈论家庭和亲属(346-360) -

346.Are you married你成家了吗? -

347.No,I'm not married.I'm still single没有,我没结婚,还打单身哩。 -

348.Your niece is engaged,isn't she? 你的侄女订婚了吗? -

349.My sister has been engaged for two months. 我姐姐已订婚两个月了。 -

350.My grandfather got married in 1921. 我爷爷在1921年结婚的 -

351.When is grandparents' wedding anniversary? 什么时候是爷爷奶奶的结婚周年? -

352.How long have they been married? 他们已结婚多少年了? -

353.They've been married for quite a few years他们已结婚多年了。 -

354.Who did George marry? George和谁结婚了? -

355.Do they have children? 他们有孩子吗? -

356.They had a baby last month. 上个月,他们有了一个宝宝。 -

357.My son wants to get married in June. 我儿子打算在6月结婚。 -

358.They don't know when the wedding will be. 他们不知道什么时候办婚礼。 -

359.Their grandchildren are grown up now. 他们的孙辈都长大成人了。 -

360.She's a widow.Her husband died last year. 她是个寡妇,她丈夫去年过世了。 -


第五课Talking about neighbors and friends 谈论邻居和朋友(361-375) -

361.Where did you grow up? 你在哪里长大的? -

362.I grew up right here in this neighborhood我就在这一带长大的。 -

363.My friend spent his childhood in California我朋友在加州度过了童年。 -

364.He lived in California until he was seventeen. 岁前他一直生活在加州。 -

365.There have been a lot of changes here in the last 20 years过去的20年这里的变化很大。 -

366.There used to be a grocery store on the corner. 以前在这个角落有一家杂货店。 -

367.All of those houses have been built in the last ten years这些房子都是过去10年建的。 -

368.They're building a new house up the street from me他们正我家上手盖房子。 -

369.If you buy that home,will you spend the rest of your life there? 如果你买了这栋房子,是不是打算就在这房子里住到老? -

370.Are your neighbors vey friendly? 你的邻居很友好吗? -

371.We all know each other pretty well我们之间相当了解。 -

372.A young married couple moved in next door to us. 一对新婚夫妇搬到我家隔壁。 -

373.Who bought that new house down the street from you? 谁买了你家下手的新房? -

374.An old man rented the big white house. 一位老人出租这栋大的白房子。 -

375.What beautiful trees those are! 这些树多美呀! -


第六课Talking about future activities. 谈论未来的活动(376-390) -

376.What time are you going to get up tomorrow morning? 明早你打算几点起床? -

377.I'll probably wake up early and get up at 6:30. 我可能早醒,在6点半起床。 -

378.What will you do then? 然后你做什么? -

379.After I get dressed,I'll have breakfast穿好衣服后,我就吃饭。 -

380.What will you have for breakfast tomorrow morning? 明天早餐你吃什么? -

381.I'll probably have eggs and toast for breakfast我可能会吃鸡蛋和面包。 -

382.After breakfast,I'll get ready for go to work早饭后,我就准备上班了。 -

383.I'll leave the house at 8:00 and get to the office at 8:30.8点离家,8点半到办公室。 -

384.I'll probably go out for lunch at about 12:30. 我在12点半外出吃饭。 -

385.I'll finish working at 5:30 and get home by 6 o'clock. 我在5点半完成工作,6点到家。 -

386.Are you going to have dinner at home tomorrow night?明晚你在家吃饭? -

387.Do you think you'll go to the movies tomorrow night? 明晚你会去看电影吗? -

388.I'll probably stay home and watch television我可能会待在家中看看电视。 -

389.When I get sleepy,I'll probably get ready for bed. 我瞌睡了,就准备睡觉了。 -

390.Do you think you'll be able to go to sleep right away? 你能倒头就睡? -


第七课Talking about the weather 谈论天气(391-405) -

391.How is the weather today? 今天天气好不好? -

392.The weather is nice today. 今天天气很好。 -

393.What was the weather like yesterday? 昨天天气好不好? -

394.Yesterday it rained all day. 昨天下了一天的雨。 -

395.What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气怎么样? -

396.It's going to snow tomorrow. 明天要下雪 -

397.It's quite cold today今天真冷。 -

398.It's been cloudy all morning上午一直多云。 -

399.Is it raining now? 现在下雨了吗? -

400.It'll probably clear up this afternoon. 下午可能要放晴。 -

401.The days are getting hotter. 天真是越来越热了。 -

402.Today is the first day of spring今天是春天的第一天。 -

403.What's the temperature today今天的气温是多少? -

404.It's about seventy degrees Fahrenheit this afternoon下午大概有华氏70度。 -

405.There's a cool breeze this evening今晚要起冷风。 -


第八课Talking about sickness and health 谈论疾病和健康(406-420) -

406.How are you feeling today? 今天感觉好不好? -

407.I don't feel very well this morning今早感觉不好。 -

408.I was sick yesterday,but I'm better today昨天我病了,但今天我感觉好多了。 -

409.My fever is gone,but I still have a cough我的烧退了,但还有一些咳嗽。 -

410.My brother has a bad headache我兄弟有剧烈头痛。 -

411.Which of your arms is sore你的那一肢胳膊发痛? -

412.My right arm hurts. It hurts right here. 我的右胳膊受伤了,就伤这里。 -

413.What's matter with you? 你那里不好? -

414.I've got a pain in my back我的背痛。 -

415.Which foot hurts?Is it the left one? 那只脚受伤了?是左脚吗? -

416.How did you break your leg? 你是怎样弄断腿的? -

417.I slipped on the stairs and fell down.I broke my leg.我在楼梯上滑倒,摔了下来,摔断了腿。 -

418.Your right hand is swollen.Does it hurt?你的右手肿了,弄伤了吗? -

419.It's bleeding.You'd better go see a doctor about that cut.伤口出血了,你最好找医生看看。 -

420.Ihope you'll be well soon我希望你很快康复。 -


第九课Talking about daily habits 谈论日常生活习惯(421-435) -

421.I get out of bed about 7 o'clock every morning我每天早上7点起床。 -

422.After getting up,I go into the bathroom and take a shower起床后,我到卫生间冲个淋浴。 -

423.Then,I shave,brush my teeth and comb my hair. 我再刮胡子,刷牙,梳头。 -

424.After brushing my teeth,I put on my clothes刷牙后,我穿好衣服。 -

425.After that,I go downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast然后,我下楼去吃早餐。 -

426.After eating breakfast,I go back upstairs again. 早餐后,我又回到楼上。 -

427.Then,it's usually time to wake up my little brother这时通常我要叫醒我的小弟弟。 -

428.He can't dress himself yet because he's too young. 他太小了,还不会穿衣服。 -

429.I wash his face and hands,and then I dress him. 我帮他洗脸洗手,再帮他穿衣服。 -

430.He tries to button his own shirt,but he can't do it. 他试着系扣子,但没扣上。 -

431.My little brother takes a bath before he goes to bed at night. 我弟弟在晚上睡觉前洗个澡。 -

432.He always forgets to wash behind his ears. 他总是忘记洗他的耳后。 -

433.I'm always tired when I come home from work. 我下班回家后总感到很累。 -

434.At bedtime, I take off my clothes and put on my pajamas. 睡觉时,我脱掉衣服,换上睡衣。 -

435.I get into bed at about 11:30 and go right off to sleep. 我大约在11点半上床睡觉。 -


第十课Getting other people's opinions and ideas 征求别人的意见和想法(436-450) -

436.What do you think? Is that right? 你认为怎么样?这样妥吗? -

437.Cetainly.You're absolutely right about that当然了,你这样做绝对正确。 -

438.I think you're mistaken about that我想你做错了。 -

439.I like hot weather best我最喜欢热天了。 -

440.Personally,I prefer winter weather我个人宁愿过冬天。 -

441.Do you think it's going to rain tomorrow? 你认为明天会下雨? -

442.I don't know whether it will rain or not. 我不知道是否会下雨。 -

443.In my opinion,that's an excellent idea我看这是一个好主意。 -

444.why Mr. Cooper so tired? Do you have any idea?为什么顾勃先生这么疲劳?你摸得清原因吗? -

445.He's tired because he worked hard all day today. 因为他今天苦干了一整天。 -

446.What do you think of my children? 你觉得我的孩子怎么样? -

447.I think you have very attractive children. 你的孩子非常有趣。 -

448.Please give me your frank opinion. 坦诚地说出你的意见。 -

449.Do you really want to know what I think? 你真得想知道我的想法? -

450.Of course I want to know what your opinion is. 当然了,我想知道你的意见。 -



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