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The analysis of a poster This is a poster about preserving wild animals designed by WWF. WWF is the short from World Wildlife Fund, which is the leading organization in wildlife conservation and endangered species.The poster has the common characteristic of all the posters designed by the organization.However, there ...
The Analysis of a Poster.It was made by Jia Duo Bao Company.It uses an eye level, and that can make us get close to theboy.The eye level also let us sympathize the boy.A crying boy and the bigsize word can emphasize the emotion.Therefore, after I see the advertisement, I would buy the Jia Duo Baorather than another.
My Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal Protection.There was a happy wedding in the beginning pictures, but then that showed the process of killing sharks and getting the sharks fin.At the last, there were some words to call on people stopping eating shark fin soup.This advertisement is just one of it...
My understanding of media literacy.Literacy means the ability to read and write.Ofcourse, Media Literacy means the ability to read or write an essay, a piece ofnews, or else.If I learnt media literacy, I shouldunderstand how to analyze a piece of news, to discover the things that thewriter does not talk about.
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