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The analysis of an action movie poster The audiences of the action movies are teenagers and adults who are crazy at something that is full of challenges.Firstly,the famous movie star Lin siqi is placed in the centre of the poster to attract our attention.Besides,it is easy to find that the poster tells us some details...
1、 媒介素养教育研究对象泛化,对于媒介从业人员的教育也成为了媒介素养教育关注的对象之一。2、 缺乏关于媒介素养教育师资方面的研究,专家学者对于大学生和青少年的媒介素养教育研究占到67%,超过总数的一般,单单从数据上就能说明,学者比较关注在校学生的媒介素养教育研究。但是有关媒介素养教育设计的教材问题,如,应该如何建设媒介素...
My analysis of an advertismentThis advertisement was made to introduce a garden named SHANGRILA GARDEN.It is obvious that the image tends to attract the customers'' attention as well as showing their products.The word in the top is given while the picture is new.The word is connected closely to the picture to ...
My Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal ProtectionThe advertisement--we are the killer family, was made by CCTV several years ago,which has had a strong influence on millions of people.In consequence,not only does it attract many people''s attention,but also makes them begin to think highly of...
media literacy.The media literacy is the ability to sift through and analyze the messages that inform, entertain and sell to us every day.It is the ability to bring critical thinking skills to bear on all media.Media literacy is one of the most important literacies to us.In addition, we can learn to think about thing...
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