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故事梗概:The Seaple live in the ocean and the Treeple live in the jungle. With overloading building, there was no space on the ground. When the Treeple start to throw their waste in the sea, the two worlds collide. Then a young Treeple has an idea...Arctic Hare 北极兔(以上图片均来源网络)中间是两个小熊形象,疑惑和开...
学生作品 | 绘本推荐海报:寻找自我。这张推荐海报非常优秀,首先文字部分的故事梗概和推荐理由小段落都写的很不错,其次配的图片也基本把故事里的重要情节都包括在内了,是很用心的作品。故事梗概:How much use can a black plastic button be? Find out as you follow the adventure of this button, who feels small and forgotten in the ...
学生作品 | 绘本推荐海报:探索。故事梗概。不足:故事梗概和推荐理由都没写。故事梗概:A boy named Jake wanted to know what would it be like to live on the other side of the world. So he decided to dig a hole in the garden. The number of children joining in became larger and larger, and the hold grew deeper and deeper. So...
学生作品 | First-Aid Treatment选择性必修二第五单元主题是“急救”(first aid)。先由每位同学自由选择完成,然后再让选择相同情景的同学交流讨论,整合出一份有图有文字的手抄报(小组作业)。(1) 班 供稿:陈蓓凝、陈心羽、倪晗;设计这份作业主要是希望同学们能够通过做作业,去查阅相关急救知识,掌握正确的急救方法,培养他们应对突发...
亮点:琳琳同学主要是文字形式归纳,这也是大多数同学的导图。辛一静 ?亮点: 一静同学的作业是今天我最欣赏的作业。伊涵同学的导图最亮点的是,在归纳的时候有用上自己的语言去替换文中的表达,例如在归纳坐在火车上横穿加拿大草原时两姐妹的感受,原文用的是“they did not anticipate seeing such an open counrty, and were truly amazed”...
学生作品 | Online Safety: Online shopping sites.我们已经分享了网络聊天室安全——学生作品 | Online Safety: Online chat rooms,和社交软件安全——学生作品 | Online Safety: Social networking apps,今天我们来分享网上购物安全(Online shopping sites)。陈蓓凝、黄羽昕、林伊涵。辛一静、陈琼、王语诺。谢恺樾、陈心羽、陈心妍。
学生作品 | Sarek National Park选择性必修一第三单元的主题是 Fascinating Parks。王语诺 ?亮点:People come from all over the world to appreciate the land in its natural state.If you want to relieve your burden and feel blessed to be alive, come to Sarek national park!If you want to explore nature, come to Sarek National ...
这次的作文对字数是放开的要求,因为两个单元的学习有比较大量的关于人物介绍的语篇输入,做足了语言输出的铺垫,就希望同学们能够把所学的充分运用到写作中去。现在就来分享一下同学们的习作吧!文字很朴实,但是挺打动人的。犹记得小时候学习到海伦凯勒时带给自己的震撼,在和同学们分享 workbook 里的《假如给我三天光明》时,真的非常希望...
Li Shizhen, an intelligent and selfless medical scientist from Ming Dynasty, was born in 1518.Li Shizhen, who is perhaps the greatest medical scientist in the Ming Dynasty, is often considered one of the most committed men who ever lived.Li Shizhen, who was a committed and patient scientist in Ming Dynasty, is often c...
学生作品 | Voice your opinions on robots and AI.随着科技的发展,尤其是人工智能和机器人结合之后,这个话题对学生们来说也不是新鲜、陌生的话题。在听说板块,主题是Voice your opinions on robots and AI(发表你对机器人和人工智能的看法)。通过学习,学生对当前人工智能和机器人为人类社会提供的帮助和服务有了比较客观的认识,课后布...
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