平淡水的平凡 IP属地:辽宁

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“打我手机”可不是“call my phone”,你是不是中枪啦?中文中的“打我手机”,很多人说英文的时候会说成,“call my phone”. 其实这么说不对,这是典型的中式英文。我们打电话是打给“人”,而不是打给“手机”,所以''call my phone''这个表达不对,下面我们仔细分析一下这个问题。(X)Please call my cell phone.(√)C...
“我是中国人”不是I''m a Chinese,必须知道正确说法!I''''m a Chinese(×)I''''m Chinese (√)I''''m a Chinese person (√)I''''m Chinese. I''''m proud of my country.我是中国人,我为祖国感到自豪。趣配音种子VIP用户招募啦~~~入群可...
趣配音免费开放共26个视频课程,等你来撩~初级A-Z共26个视频课程。小伙伴们,想做口语大神?课程笔记。名词复数读法。To do list.My parents aren’t here right now.Parent t parents.要点:名词复数—清清。No drivers on the list.Drivers r drivers.要点:名词复数,浊浊。You guys made up.guy /ga?/ guys /ga?要点:名词复数,元浊。
听音乐学日语:镇命歌 -しずめうた-今天的歌曲是瀧沢一留的《镇命歌 -しずめうた-》,由チョウシンウ同学推荐。这首歌出自日本乙女游戏《晨曦时梦见兮》,游戏故事背设置在边境的伊那砂乡,因为设有普通人看不到的结界,外人并不知道伊那砂乡的存在,里面人妖和睦相处。高中的某个暑假,女主角接到除妖的委托,来到了伊那砂乡,发生了各种奇怪...
“我在厕所”千万不要说成“I''m in the toilet”!I''''m in the toilet!别再用这句话表达”我在厕所“了。有一天,当秘书在上厕所时。“I''''m in the toilet!”“What are you doing in the toilet?!Pee/ Poo.I want to pee/ go poo poo.Take a dump.Sorry, I need to take a dump.Take a leak....
手提行李:hand-baggage(较小)/hand-carried luggage(较大)行李过磅/行李称重:to weigh the luggage.Could you please tell me what time we''''ll arrive in London?A: Excuse me, I thought it was a ''''non-stop flight''''.Would you please let me know when we get to the stop?Plea...
真正的意思你一定想不到!“Dog days”不是''狗日子''!难道是hot is dead? “热”“死了”?你可以说成Hot to death(热到死).那么你一定会问,小趣君童鞋吐槽了半天天气,那Dog days 究竟是什么意思啊?啊哈哈,其实小趣君刚才说的这些都和dog days有关,因为Dog days 是“三伏天,大热天”的意思呢~I can do nothing excep...
西餐牛排和鸡蛋几分熟英语怎么说?到西餐厅就餐,必然会点牛排,你知道牛排要几分熟英语怎么说吗?小编这里先卖个关子,我们先看看比较简单的煎鸡蛋怎么说。鸡蛋类:sunny side up 只煎一面的荷包蛋;sunny side down / over easy 两面都煎(一面快煎好时翻到另一面稍煎片刻)。下面我们看看牛排的。牛排一般来说真没有八分熟这种说法啊。牛排...
当我还背不熟论语时,英语大神们已经开始翻译孔子语录。当真正学会了欣赏,英语大神们却已经开始翻译孔子语录了。贤哉回也!Incomparable indeed was Hui! A handful of rice to eat, a gourdful of water to drink, living in a mean street. Others would have found it unendurable depressing, but to Hui''s cheerfulness it made ...
Christina课堂▕ 英文儿歌《If you are happy》If you''re happy happy happy.If you''re happy happy happy clap your hands, clap your hands.If you''re angry angry angry stomp your feet, stomp your feet.If you''re sleepy sleepy sleepy。If you''re sleepy sleepy sleepy take a nap, take ...
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