

 许愿真 2014-05-22
8. 介词加关系代词引导的定语从句
(1) Luckily, we’d brought a road map without ___ we would have lost our way. (2004安徽春招)
A. it       B. that      C. this      D. which
(2) The English play _______ my students acted at the New Year’s party was a great success. (2004全国)
A. for which  B. at which   C. in which  D. on which
答案是C。关系代词都是which,关键是确定用哪个介词。在定语从句谓语动词acted与先行词the English play之间,显然要加上in才讲得通。
(3) American women usually identify their best friend as someone _____ they can talk frequently. (2004上海)
 A. who   B. as   C. about which D. with whom
答案是D。在定语从句的谓语动词talk与先行词someone之间,需要加上to或with,才讲得通,即:talk with /to sb.(和某人交谈)。
(4) In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m., ____ many people have got home. (95上海)
A. whose time   B. that     C. on which     D. by which
答案是D。先行词5:30 p.m.是钟点,钟点前不用介词on;用by表示“那到时为止”。句意为:在办公室里,我似乎总是到下午5:30才有空,到那个时候,许多人都已回到家了。
(5) The gentleman ______you told me yesterday proved to be a thief. (00上海春)
    A. who       B. about whom  C. whom      D. with whom
答案是B。在定语从句的谓语told me与先行词the gentleman之间,要加上about才讲得通。句意是:你昨天对我谈起的那个绅士原来是个贼。
(6) In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person _____she could turn for help. (NMET92)
A. that   B. who   C. from whom  D. to whom
答案是D。turn to sb. for help向某人寻求帮助。
①介词可放在定语从句后面,这时,可用关系代词who或者that,在限制性定语从句中还可省略关系代词。请比较:She is the woman (whom /who /that) I gave the money to. =She is the woman to whom (不能用who或that,也不能省略) I gave the money她这是我给钱的那个妇女。
②“whose+名词”可作介词的宾语。如:He is the man from whose house the pictures were stolen. =He is the man whose house the pictures were stolen from.他就是那个家里藏画被盗的人。
9. 关系代词作定语的定语从句
关系代词在从句中作定语表示所属关系,先行词是人,表示“先行词这个人的…”,用whose;先行词是事物,表示“先行词这个事物的…”,用whose…或the…of which或of which…都可以。如:
(1) George Orwell, _______ was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays. (2004北京)
    A. the real name     B. what his real name
C. his real name     D. whose real name
答案是D。这是一个插入主句中的起补充作用的非限制性定语从句,先行词是George Orwell,表示“George Orwell的(真名)”,要用whose。
(2) Have you seen the film “Titanic”, _____leading actor is world famous? (01上海春)
A. its         B. it’s        C. whose      D. which
答案是C。表示先行词“the film ‘Titanic’的(主演)”用whose。
10. of whom/which(其中)引导的定语从句
在非限制性定语从句中,先行词作为一个整体,表示整体中的一部分,即表示“部分与整体”的关系时,用…of which/whom或者of which/whom…都可以。但与表示所属关系不同,这里不能用whose来代替of which。如:
(1) The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, _____ the sailing time was 226 days. (2004广西)
A. of which    B. during which  C. from which    D. for which
答案是A。the sailing time与nine months是部分与整体的关系:of which the sailing time =the sailing time of which =and the sailing time of the nine months(9个月中的海上航行时间)。句意是:这次环球旅行花了这个老水手9个月的时间,其中海上航行时间有226天。
(2) The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% _____are sold abroad. (2004辽宁)
 A. of which  B. which of  C. of them  D. of that
答案是A。因为前后都是句子,又没有连词连接,后句应是定语从句,排除C和D;指“50万双鞋中的80%”是部分与整体关系,用of which,而没有which of这种说法。80% of which=and 80% of them。
注:表示部分与整体的关系时,of whom/which还可放在few, several, some, half, many, much, most, all, none, either, neither, a quarter, a number, the larger, the smallest, the majority等词语之后。如:
(1) There are two buildings, _____stands nearly a hundred feet high. (2004湖北)
 A. the larger      B. the larger of them 
C. the larger one that    D. the larger of which
答案是D。因前后是两个句子,必须要有连词将其连接,排除A和B;表示这两座建筑物中较大的那座,是部分与整体的关系,用of which。the larger of which =and the larger of them (其中较大的那一座建筑物)。
(2) Both players, neither of whom reached the final, played well.两名运动员都没进入决赛,但他们都表现得不错。
11. the way后面的定语从句
the way后面的定语从句,关系词若在从句中作状语,相当于“用这种方式/方法(=in this way)”时,通常不用关系词,偶尔用that,在较正式的文体里才用in which来引导。如:
(1) What surprised me was not what he said but _____he said it. (04湖北)
A. the way  B. in the way that C. in the way  D. the way which
答案是A。因为not…but…是对称结构,能与名词性从句what he said对称的应当是名词,排除B和C;又因为先行词是way,关系词在从句中作状语时,通常不用关系代词,不能用which,排除D。
(3) I don’t like ____ you speak to her. (96上海)
A. the way        B. the way in that 
C. the way which       D. the way of which
答案是A。the way后的定语从句,通常不用关系词的。句意为:我不喜欢你对她说话的那种方式。
温馨提示:①way后不能用how引导定语从句,但不用way,而直接用how引导的名词性从句来表达这类意思。如:That’s how he did it.(他就是这样做的。)②当先行词way表示方向时,不用任何关系词。如:Was that the way she went?(她是往那个方向走的吗?)
12. the reason后的定语从句
the reason后的定语从句,若需在定语从句中作状语,用why, for which, that引导或者省略不用;若不是在定语从句中作状语,而是作主语或宾语,就不能用why和for which,而应用that或which,作宾语时常省略。如:
(1) That wasn’t the reason (why / for which /that) he lied to you.那不是他对你撒谎的原因。
(2) Is this the reason _____at the meeting for his carelessness in his work? (02上海春)
A. he explained            B. what he explained
C. how he explained        D. why he explained
答案是A。首先判断在名词the reason后的从句是定语从句,what和how不能引导定语从句,排除B和C;因为explained缺宾语,不选关系副词,排除D;关系代词that/which作explained的宾语,所以被省略了。
13. as引导的定语从句
当先行词前有such, as, so, the same等时,用关系代词as引导,as在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语。如:
She is such a kind teacher as we all like. =She is so kind a teacher as we all like.她是这样一位和蔼的老师,我们都喜欢她。(as在定语从句中作like的宾语。请比较:She is such a kind teacher that we all like her.引导结果状语从句的that不作任何句子成分。)
14. but引导的定语从句
There is none of us but would (=who would not) like to study more.我们中没有一个有不愿意多学点东西。
15. 分隔定语从句
(1) The film brought the hours back to me _____I was taken good care of in that far-away village. (NMET01)
A. until       B. that      C. when      D. where
答案是C。先行词是the hours,并在定语从句中作状语,用关系副词when。定语从句与先行词被back to me所分隔。
(2) It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year, _____for the first time in years their team won the World Cup. (2000北京春)
A. that          B. while         C. which         D. when
答案是D。先行词是moment,定语从句中不缺主语或宾语,用关系副词when(=at which)。先行词与定语从句被for these football fans this year分开了。
(3) A new teacher will come tomorrow who will teach you English.教你们英语的新老师明天来。先行词与定语从句被will come tomorrow分开了。
 16. 解题技巧
在解题过程中,首先要正确判断是不是定语从句,若是疑问句要将其恢复为陈述句,尤其注意标点符号、和是否已有并列连词(如but, and)和从属连词如(if, when),还要注意是否是强调结构。其次,在确定是定语从句后,就要找准先行词,看它是指人还是指物,是时间还是地点。第三,要弄清先行词在定语从句中作什么成分。最后,再根据关系词各自的用法特点去确定恰当的关系词。

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