
My Analysis of an Public Service Advertisement on Animal Protection

 纳兰卓求 2015-06-24
We may enjoy the so-called happy life at this moment while the wild are in the       danger of extinction because of our hunt,so I am talking about an ad from wilfaid.As we can see,William, the  prince of UK,Beckham as well as Yao Ming all try their       efforts to make people  stop killing the wild.By the means of saying that they hope    their kids can live with genuine wildlife,they express their aim of the video.
   After whatching it,I cannot be caml any more.It's a short video,however,it does      work,for it have caused great attention to the protection of wild animals.It's this that   help the wild to avoid being extinct.
   In a word,the media litercy is a good way to help us doing something great for us    and our environment because this advertisement is an example.

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