

 玉蝴蝶YOGA 2018-09-18

These elements exist within an unseen world. Without them yoga becomes nothing more than an outward expression of physical movement. When performed correctly these subtle tools allow the practitioner to enter into the mystical realms of prana and experience the subtle wonders of Ashtanga Yoga. These invisible tools are ''Ujjayi Breath', 'Bandhas', 'Vinyasa', and 'Drishti'.



Ujjayi Breath


Ujjayi is a specialised breathing technique which means victorious. This unique form of breathing is performed by creating a soft sound in the back of the throat while inhaling and exhaling through the nose. This swirling action is what creates the unique sound which has been described as wind in the trees, a distant ocean.


The main idea is to create a rhythm in the breath and ride it gracefully throughout the practice. This sound becomes a mantra to set the mind in focus. We must learn to listen the breath. It is the guide which will tell us the quality of our practice. Maintain awareness upon your breath and every moment becomes a meditation.



Bandhas are a series of internal energy gates within the subtle body which assist in the regulation of Pranil flow. There are three Bandhas. They are 'Mulabandha', Uddiyana Bandha' and Jalandhara Bandha'.


Mulabandha 会阴收束法

Mulabandha is the root lock. It so called because of its location at the base of our nerve tree, the spinal column. There are difference location for the this Bandha in males and in females. In males the seat of Mulabandha is the perineal muscle which is located in the front of the anus and behind the genitals. In the females the location is near the top of the cervix.


Uddiyana Bandha 收腹收束法

The second lock is Uddiyana Bandha which means flying upwards. In its complete expression, Uddiyana Bandha is performed by exhaling fully and then drawing the lower belly inward and upward while simultaneously lifting the diaphragm. This level of Uddiyana is primarily utilised during the exhale retention phase of specialised breath control method known as pranayama. This full level of engagement is not possible to maintain throughout practice due to the inability to inhale while total Uddiyana Bandha is engaged. The level of Uddiyana we should hold for the duration of our practice is more subtle. Rather than sucking is the belly fully, we must instead simply maintain a stillness located three fingers below the navel. This will allow space for the diaphragm to drop during each inhale and the lung's expansion will find it's way into the side ribs, back, and chest. The upper portions of the torso must remain soft and pliable so that the inhale expansion may occur to its fullest expression. Upon each exhale the lower abdominal muscles May contract to encourage a total emptying of the lungs. This contraction must then be released in order for the inhale to repeat full, yet not relaxed so much that the lower belly rises with the incoming breath. The action is subtle. Do not harden the belly as though someone is about to punch you in the stomach. That is over-doing of it.


Jalandhara Bandha 收颌收束法

Jalandhara Bandha is the tried lock. It is the chin-lock. This lock is not utilised as frequently as the other two. It occurs spontaneously in some asana such as shoulder stand and is is prescribed for use in other. It is however, used extensively for pranayama. To engage Jalandhara Bandha you may extend the chin forward and then draw it back into the notch which is formed where the two clavicle bones meet. When engaging all three Bandhas simultaneously it is called 'mahabandha' or the great lock. Bandhas are an integral part of Ashtanga Yoga but they can not be understood through mental powers. Understanding of them will grow from these early seeds of awareness as personal practice develops.



'The marriage of breath & Movement'. 呼吸和动作的结合

Vinyasa is the unique linking of one asana to the next in a serpentine flow. It is more than a simple set of physical maneuvers. It is a dynamic marriage of our internal and external world. Vinyasa is an outward expression of the subtle movement of life force. It is a manifestation of prana. Vinyasa orchestrates balance. A balance of strength and flexibility, lightness and heaviness, movement and stillness. Through vinyasa one may know the vibration of life. This integration manifests when the act of breathing and movement cease to be separate entities. The two action converge to create a symphony of seamless unity. Each action encourage the other. The exist as one. The mind is then set free and practice may become a rhythmic dance.



'Looking Out / looking In' “往外看”、“往里看”

Drishti is a point of gaze our focus, yet it has a little to do with our physical sight. The real looking is directed internally. We may fix our physical sight upon an external object or a specific point on out body, yet truly the drishti is meant to direct our attention to the subtle aspects of our practice which were discussed earlier , the breath and Bandhas as well as the mind. The Drishti is a device designed to balance our internal and external practice. There are officially nine Drisht points.


Remember the main focus is to look inward. Create an internal checklist which you can scan in a millisecond while practicing. On this list you may have breath, Bandhas, flow and equality of opposition. Do you feel tension in particular areas of the body? Where is your awareness? Is it spread throughout the body ? Are you relaxed ? The list may go on but the idea is that the Drishti is your microscope to examine that which may not be seen externally.



Drishti 凝视法

1) Nasagrai: Tip of the nose 鼻尖

2) Anjana Chakra: Between the eyebrows 眉心

3) Nabi Chakra: Navel肚脐

4) Hastagrai: Hand手

5) Padhayoragrai: Toes脚趾

6) Parsva: Far to the Right 右侧

7) Parsva: Far to the Left 左侧

8) Angustha: Thumbs 拇指

9) Urdhva or Antara: Up to the Sky 向上看


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