
纯素健美运动员Robert Cheeke:任何年纪都可靠蔬食增肌保持健康

 刘遥磊 2019-11-10


--- 来自美国纯素健美运动员、作家和演讲家

Robert Cheeke的绝佳建议

General tips for Building Muscle on a Vegan Diet and Staying Active Healthy and Fit at Any Age

by / Robert Cheeke



Consistency and Accountability


Make exercise and a sound nutrition program priorities and stick to them with consistency and accountability. You can have all the knowledge in the world, but if it isn’t applied it doesn’t get you anywhere. You have to find meaning in what you’re doing to get the best results from it.



Why do you want to be healthy 

in the first place?


To live longer, to feel better, to live without or with fewer aches and pains, to be a role model for others, to be an elite athlete, or for some other reason? Establish what health, wellness and fitness mean to YOU and create a program that fits your interests, desires and goals and see it through to achievement.



Eat for nourishment not stimulation

针对自我身体条件,设计并采用「天然全食物 Whole Foods」来打造你的营养基础、为你积极的生活方式提供燃料、而且减少炎症。这样的结果就是体力恢复良好,第二天有精力充沛的投入训练。

Make the foundation of your nutrition program whole foods designed to nourish your body and help fuel your active lifestyle, reduce inflammation as a result of it, and recover well to do it all over again the next day.


Relying on processed foods, refined carbohydrates and sugars won’t supply enough tangible nutrition. But fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, legumes, and seeds will.



Stay Hydrated


Stay hydrated by consuming large quantities of water throughout the day. This is of increased importance for someone who is active, say building muscle or playing sports. We lose not only nutrients through sweat but obviously water too. Since the body is comprised mostly of water, it behooves us to consume it regularly, up to a gallon a day or even more based on our sports interests and level of activity.


To help reduce cramping, stay hydrated and consume sodium and potassium as well, either naturally from foods, or in supplement form to replace nutrients lost through exercise. To reduce lactic acid build-up as a result of exercise stress, stay hydrated, replenish lost nutrients, proactively consume essential fats, oils and whole foods that reduce inflammation, rest, stretch and consume adequate nutrition to properly recover.


To help with rest at the end of day, be well hydrated by bedtime so you don’t get muscle cramps during your sleep and take Zinc and Magnesium if desired to help you fall asleep naturally. 



Types of exercise from home gyms to large athletic facilities

无论你是否属于一个大型健身俱乐部, 或只是在家里有一定的重量训练设备,你永远不会没有练习可做,因为仅仅是自重练习一个项目就有很多方法。

Regardless of whether you belong to a large health club or have some weights and equipment at home, you’ll never run out of exercises to do because so much can be done with just bodyweight exercises alone.

从俯卧撑到引体向上、冲刺跑、自重深蹲、弓步蹲、静态收缩、增强式训练和体操等,你总是可以找到健体的方法。当然,别忘了有趣的运动游戏和体育竞技运动也是很好的锻炼方式。例如,足球,篮球,网球,骑自行车和游泳都可以燃烧脂肪,强壮肌肉。From push-ups to pull-ups to sprints, bodyweight squats, lunges, static contractions, plyometrics and calisthenics, you can always find ways to stay fit. Of course, don’t forget that fun athletic games and sports are also a form of exercise. For example, soccer, basketball, tennis, cycling and swimming all burn fat, and build and tone muscle. The key is to stay active as frequently as possible. 


Activity is the best way to keep your heart, lungs, and bones strong, combat body fat and increase muscle mass and muscle tone. Find what you love to do most and do it often for optimum personal fitness.



Exercise lengths and rest needed for recovery


In general, weight training sessions should be about 45-90 minutes in length, any longer can be counter-productive to muscle building since we already know that weight training causes muscle tears. I usually recommend weight training sessions last about an hour, resting about a minute between sets, or more for heavy compound exercises, and a couple of minutes between different exercises. 

根据自己的目标和兴趣,重量训练一周安排3-6天,每晚保证足够的6-9个小时的睡眠以到达完全的恢复,让自己更强壮。 有氧运动可以每天都做,如果有足够的休息支持恢复的话。

Train with weights 3-6 days a week depending on your goals and interests, get adequate 6-9 hours of sleep a night and recover to become stronger. Cardiovascular exercise can often be performed daily if adequate rest is supported for recovery.


I wish you all the best in your journey to a happy and healthy compassionate fitness lifestyle. You are equipped with the tools, the only thing left to do is put them into action.

作者:罗伯特·杞克Robert Cheeke

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