

 limaping图书馆 2020-01-03





If you hit a tennis ball from baseline totally flat with full power, it will hit the fence on the opposite side of the court.

If you want to hit the ball with some power and still hit it into the court, you need topspin.

Topspin is the forward rotation of the ball about his horizontal axis.

Topspin makes the fall fly with a steep trajectory (that's good for net clearance) and drop very steep at the end of his flight ( that's good to prevent it from beeing too long ).

The 'mother 'of all topspin shots is the 'windshield wiper' movement. If you once can master this movement you will later be able to learn all the other variations of backhands (more or less topspin. fast or slower ).

If you want to give you player some consistency (that helps to win matches ) you should always begin with the introducion of the 'windshield wiper ' movement.

And you can even do that with kids.

Thus you can prevent then from just pushing the ball and not taking a full swing on their shots.

It's not that easy to player a one handed windshield wiper backhand.

But it's possible.

You should keep you hitting arm almost straight and brush the ball up from ablut 5-6 o'colck to about 9 o'clock.

If you are able to do that ,you will master the one handed backhand windshield wiper movement.

The concept of kinesthetic learning is to give the player the opportunity to 'feel'the correct movement.

To give a player the right feeling for the 'windshield wiper 'movement you can let him brush the net , or you can let him roll a physioball forward with hit rocket or you can put a tennis ball on a big cone and let the player hit up on the ball.

And always keep in mind:

'Practice what you need!' and 'Practice with purpose!' But 'Keep it simple!'


























    Tennis Drills - How to learn a one handed Backhand - Windshield Wiper Backhand Progression。


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