

 Braveheart360 2020-09-24


Fertility benefits 

When Apple and Facebook began paying for employees to freeze their eggs in 2014, this generosity was met with cynicism. Critics dismissed it as another attempt at social engineering from Silicon Valley, no bastion of female-friendliness. Rather than empowering women, they feared, it would press them to delay motherhood; Apple would do better to install child-care facilities at its brand new headquarters.

Such gripes have not stopped employers from embracing such schemes. Quite the opposite. More than one in four large American companies now pay for some fertility treatment, according to consultants at Mercer; one in 20 covers egg-freezing. In America Bain, a consultancy, KKR, a private-equity firm, and Tesla, a carmaker, pay for unlimited IVF cycles (which can cost $100,000), according to Fertility IQ, an educational site for fertility patients. This week Starbucks said it would raise its fertility cover to $25,000, including for baristas who work over 20 hours a week for more than six months. For part-timers on $12 an hour that can add up to twice their annual salary.

Most American states still do not require insurers to cover infertility treatment. So companies use the benefits to differentiate themselves. This helps recruit and retain staff, says Jake Anderson-Bialis of Fertility IQ. It found that 62% of workers whose employer had paid in full for IVF said they were more likely to stay in their job. Firms keen to promote “diversity and inclusion” see health plans with IVF or surrogacy as a way to attract LGBT employees.

Some companies insist that workers try the natural way for a year before they qualify for treatment (to the exclusion of anyone who isn’t a heterosexual in a stable relationship). Others appear to adopt fertility benefits in response to harassment scandals. Under Armour, Uber and Vice added family-friendly policies, including generous fertility perks, following such controversies. 

A lot of this is welcome. But advocates of gender equality are right to point out that some benefits—egg-freezing in particular—look like a distraction. And it is no substitute for eliminating the motherhood-penalty in the workplace.



(注:斜体单词 是不需要掌握的单词)

Fertility benefits 


fertility[fɜː(r)ˈtɪləti]( a woman's ability to have babies) 生育能力来源于形容词fertile(富饶的,能生育的),是一个四级词汇。fertility还可以表示土地肥沃,如measures to improve the fertility of the soil提高土壤肥沃的措施

benefit在这里不是好处,利益的意思,而是表示公司的津贴(extra money that you get as part of your job or from insurance that you have )。除此之外,benefit还可以表示政府的补贴比如住房补贴housing benefit 失业补贴unemployment benefit

fertility benefits就是生育津贴的意思。


①When Apple and Facebook began paying for employees to freeze their eggs in 2014,this generosity was met with cynicism. ②Critics dismissed it as another attempt at social engineering from Silicon Valley, no bastion of female-friendliness. ③Ratherthan empowering women, they feared, it would press them to delay motherhood; Apple would do better to install child-care facilities at its brand new headquarters.


①When Apple and Facebook began paying for employees to freeze their eggs in 2014,this generosity was met with cynicism. ②Critics dismissed it as another attempt at social engineering from Silicon Valley, no bastion of female-friendliness.

第②句话中的no bastion of female-friendliness很难理解。对此,我们可以先搞懂内容(意思),再来分析形式(语法)。bastion表示支持某种观念/方式的组织或群体很显然指的是逗号前面的Silicon Valley。no bastion of female-friendliness即对女性不友好的组织/群体,与硅谷的特征确实比较相符(硅谷男性工作者占多数)。

再来分析一下形式,这里的no其实相当于not a如He is not a good friend.就可以改成He is no good friend. no bastion of female-friendliness是对前面的Silicon Valley进行解释,因此是作同位语我们可以在no前面加一个which is来帮助我们理解。
generosity [ˌdʒenəˈrɒsəti](a generous attitude, or generous behaviour) 慷慨大方。形容词形式为generous,在第四段出现了

A be met with B在这里是固定短语,表示遭受...结果/反应B为遭受的结果或反应。The rule was met with strong opposition from the public.这个规定遭到了公众的强烈反对。

类似表达:be faced with/be confronted with面临,遭遇
cynicism [sɪnɪˌsɪz(ə)m]冷嘲热讽。来源于形容词cynical愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的

dimiss sth as sth将某事视为某事,表示拒绝接受,含有贬低的语气。Children's ideas should not be dismissed as unrealistic.

③Rather than empowering women, they feared, it would press them to delay motherhood; Apple would do better to install child-care facilities at its brand new headquarters.


【常用搭配】empower sb


motherhood在这里表示当母亲的状态(the state of being a mother)。根据同样的构词法,还有fatherhoodparenthooddelay motherhood就是延迟生育的意思。
do better to do sth是个固定表达,表示通过做某事可以获得更好的结果说明这件事还没有做。即苹果公司当时还没有设立母婴中心。

headquarters [hedˈkwɔː(r)tə(r)z]一般表示公司总部。注意,这个单词本身就是复数形式,不能说headquarter在外刊中表示公司位置时,还会经常出现一个词缀based地名-baseda London-based company位于伦敦的公司




①Such gripes have not stopped employers from embracing such schemes. ②Quite the opposite. ③More than one in four large American companies now pay for some fertility treatment, according to consultants at Mercer; one in 20 covers egg-freezing. ④In America Bain, a consultancy, KKR, a private-equity firm, and Tesla, a carmaker, pay for unlimited IVF cycles (which can cost $100,000), according to Fertility IQ, an educational site for fertility patients. ⑤This week Starbucks said it would raise its fertility cover to $25,000, including for baristas who work over 20 hours a week for more than six months. ⑥For part-timers on $12 an hour that can add up to twice their annual salary.

段落结构这一段讲的是生育津贴现象的盛行(not stopped/quite the opposite)。①②两句为段落中心句。第③句-第⑥句均为细节和例子。③④两句由一般到具体,由第③句的行业现状到第④句的具体的公司(例子)。⑤⑥又以Starbucks公司为例,进行具体的论述。第④句为⑤⑥两句属于并列关系。

①Such gripes have not stopped employers from embracing such schemes. ②Quite the opposite. ③More than one in four large American companies now pay for some fertility treatment, according to consultants at Mercer; one in 20 covers egg-freezing.

第②句话当中的Quite the opposite.是常用表达,表示事实刚好相反。阅读量大的同学可能会发现,在英文当中有些句子并不能完全用语法来解释,比如Just because...doesn't mean...这种句型,既没有主语又不是原因状语。这是因为语法并不是用来限制语言的,而是语言发展到一定阶段的产物,从中总结出来的规律。因此有些约定俗成的表达或句子不遵守语法规则也不必去深究了。

embrace在这里表示接受,采纳( to completely accept something such as a new belief, idea, or way of life)。是一个非常漂亮的写作表达,当表示接受一种新思想或方式的时候,就可以用embrace来替代accept/adopt。比如写到老年人与年轻人的区别时,我们就可以说:

It is hard for the elderly to embrace new ideas such as online dating and digital payment.

cover在这里表示有足够的钱支付的意思。如We need £1,000 a month to cover the rent.除此之外,cover还可以表示包含的意思,如 The training covers all aspects of health and safety at work.下面待会还会出现cover一词的名词形式。

In America Bain, a consultancy, KKR, a private-equity firm, and Tesla, a carmaker, pay for unlimited IVF cycles (which can cost $100,000), according to Fertility IQ, an educational site for fertility patients.

这句话主句的成分较多,我们来分析一下。首先,介词不可能位于主语的开头,因此In America只能是句子的状语。从Bain到carmaker,全都是句子主语。在主语出现了三个并列成分Bain,KKR和Tesla,分别是三家公司,专业名称首字母大写。每家公司后面都跟了一个同位语进行解释,全部都是小写。

private-equity firm私募股权公司

IVF cycles人工授精周期

⑤This week Starbucks said it would raise its fertility cover to $25,000, including for baristas who work over 20 hours a week for more than six months. ⑥For part-timers on $12 an hour that can add up to twice their annual salary.

注意一下,第⑥句当中的that并非定语从句。介词for位于句首,后面紧跟的名词part-timers必然不是主语,再往后on $12 an hour由介词引导的后置定语,这里的on表示靠...维持生活的意思,类似于feed on/live on当中的on。再往后,that便是整句话的主句,代指上一句的cover。
barista这个词也可以根据上下文推测出来。这句话简化一下就是Starbucks would raise its fertility cover for baristas.结合这篇文章的中心,即可推测出,barista表示员工的意思,相当于employee。通过查词典我们得知barista表示咖啡馆招待员的意思。



这种抱怨并没有阻止雇主们采纳这类方案。事实刚好相反。据Mercer的咨询专家所说,目前1/4以上的美国公司为员工支付一些生育治疗费用;1/20之一的美国公司支付员工冷冻卵细胞的费用。根据Fertility IQ(一家为生育患者服务的教育网站)的说法,在美国,Bain(一家咨询公司),KKR(一家私募股权公司)和Tesla(一家汽车制造商)这几家公司为无限量的人工授精(IVF)周期(会耗费100,000美元)买单。本周,星巴克称将其对生育的补贴额提高至25,000美元,包括对于那些每周工作20小时以上工作满六个月以上的员工。对于每小时工资为12美元的兼职人员来说,这个数额合计会达到年薪的两倍。


①Most American states still do not require insurers to cover infertility treatment. ②So companies use the benefits to differentiate themselves. ③This helps recruit and retain staff, says Jake Anderson-Bialis of Fertility IQ. ④It found that 62% of workers whose employer had paid in full for IVF said they were more likely to stay in their job. ⑤Firms keen to promote “diversity and inclusion” see health plans with IVF or surrogacy as a way to attract LGBT employees.

段落结构这一段讲的是美国生育津贴现象背后的原因,通过to differentiate,This helps, as a way to这些词可以看出来。①②③三句是因果论证。第③句是第一个原因。第④句是举例论证,通过具体的数据证明第③句,stay in their job对应的就是第③句的retain staff。第⑤句是第二个原因,与②③两句是并列关系。第⑤句的firms和health plans分别对应②③两句的companies和benefits。

differentiate[dɪfəˈrenʃieɪt](to be the quality or fact that makes one thing different from another)使与众不同

【常用搭配】differentiate something from something

The ability to speak differentiates humans from other animals.

differentiate还可以表示区分,如It's important to differentiate between fact and opinion.分清事实和观点很重要differentiate between=tell the difference between


Firms keen to promote “diversity and inclusion see health plans with IVF or surrogacy as a way to attract LGBT employees.

在这句话中,keen to promote diversity and inclusion作Firms的后置定语,翻译成中文就是“想推动多元化和包容性的公司”。句子的谓语部分是一个短语see A as B将A视为B,A和B均为名词成分。
inclusion [ɪnˈkluːʒ(ə)n](the act of including someone or something in a larger group)包容。来源于动词include。与之相反的排外就是exclusion



美国大多数的州仍未要求保险公司将不孕治疗纳入保险范文。因此,公司可以使用生育津贴来使自己与众不同。Fertility IQ的工作者Jake Anderson-Bialis说,这样做可以有助于招收和保留员工。Fertility IQ发现,那些已经全额支付IVF费用的公司的员工当中,有62%说他们更有可能留在现在的工作岗位上。那些很想推行多样性和包容性的公司将IVF或代孕的健康计划视为一种吸引LGBT员工的方式。


①Some companies insist that workers try the natural way for a year before they qualify for treatment (to the exclusion of anyone who isn’t a heterosexual in a stable relationship). ②Others appear to adopt fertility benefits in response to harassment scandals. ③Under Armour, Uber and Vice added family-friendly policies, including generous fertility perks, following such controversies. 

段落结构这一段讲的是美国公司的具体做法。①②两句是并列关系(Some/Others)。第③句是举例论证,以具体的公司为例,证明第②句。第③句的such controversies对应的就是第②句的harassment scandals,也就是前段时间美国一些公司发生的性骚扰丑闻。
qualify for获得...的资格。如To qualify for this job, applicants must have a master's degree.为了有资格获得这份工作,申请者必须具有硕士学历。
exclusion这个词上一段刚讲过。to the exclusion of在这里就相当于excluding除...之外,不包括。excluding的用法同including。
in response to这个短语大家基本都认识。我们要注意的是,在do sth in response to B当中,B一般为原因,而do sth是由此带来的结果。in response to有时也会放在句首,那么主语的信息就是由此带来的结果。
harassment[hærəsmənt] 骚扰。来源于动词harass使困扰;使烦恼。

perk相当于benefit,fertility perks就是生育津贴的意思。


一些公司坚决让员工先尝试自然怀孕方法,尝试一年之后如果还不成功再申请治疗资格(除了任何不处于稳定恋爱关系的异性恋者)。其他公司采取生育津贴貌似是因为对骚扰丑闻的回应。Under Armour, Uber和Vice公司在这些争议发生之后就添加了家庭友好的政策,包括慷慨的生育津贴。


A lot of this is welcome. ②But advocates of gender equality are right to point out that some benefits—egg-freezing in particular—look like a distraction. ③And it is no substitute for eliminating the motherhood-penalty in the workplace.

这里的a lot of this是对上文那些措施的概况,相当于一个整体,因此谓语用的是三单形式。还有一个类似的表达all this,通常用于概况上文提到的多个东西,后面的谓语部分也要用单数形式。


某事的支持者就是advocates/supporters/champions/proponents of sth

be right to做...是对的。主语一般是人。如He is right to think that reading is beneficial.

【反义表达】be wrong to做...是错的

be no substitute for something用来强调某事不如另外一件事,也就是不能够替代的意思。

来源于短语substitute for sth某事的替代品

还有个类似的短语:alternative to sth表示某事可供选择的替代品。





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