

 凡雪j1oc3jgksx 2022-10-18 发布于四川
Malte Hozzel

Malte Hozzel博士,Oshadhi品牌创始人。德国海登堡大学博士,药用植物学家、调香艺术大师、诗人、冥想大师。




























































橘 10ml



罗文莎叶 2ml

北美黄松 1ml

马乔莲  1ml  

罗马洋甘菊 2ml

榛果油  3ml

反式可可脂  15ml

每次取3-4滴按摩太阳神经丛、足弓、手腕内侧或脊柱(来自药剂师D. Baudoux)



橙花  0.5ml

佛手柑  1ml

罗马洋甘菊  1ml

榛果油:  加到15ml





“2002年的研究证实了芳香疗法专家们长期以来的坚持的信念,即茉莉精油具强烈的放松特质,能有效促进睡眠。美国西弗吉尼亚惠灵耶稣会大学的研究员Bryan Raudenbush博士发现,晚上睡在充满茉莉花香的房间里的人比在薰衣草味房间的或没有香味房间的人似乎睡得更安稳,且下午的警觉性更高……尽管大家的睡眠时间相同,处于茉莉环境中的人醒来后没那么焦虑。” 



参看: http://www./health/














Two possible blends which give some hints


This insomnia synergy acts in various ways on the problems accompanying or causing sleeplessness. It targets the central nervous system with powerful soothing agents, but at the same time bestows tonus and helps detoxifying the physiology from mental, emotional and psychological 'trash’. 

TRUE LAVENDER oil mainly works on the central nervous system making it a choice oil for problems like insomnia, mental agitation, nervousness, headache, depression, and anxiety. It helps building up alpha-waves in the cortex, associated with deep relaxation.

MARJORAM oil has a known powerful soothing, tranquilizing energy. It gives this blend an uncompromising agent to fight diverse neuro-psychological problems such as neurasthenia, anxiety, obsessions, psychotic upsurge etc. as well as all kinds of stress related agitation or nervousness. 

TARRAGON is a strong neuro-muscular anti-spasmodic. Its soothing energy helps opening the solar plexus, where fears and tensions are accumulating (the famous 'knot in the stomach’) and  makes it easier to 'digest’ emotions, opening up the flow between body and mind.

SWEET BASIL’S neuro-regulating properties make it a choice oil against asthenia, nervous disorders of all kinds, stress and anxiety.

VERBENA bestows the high solar energies of the aldehyde group, making it a choice oil against gloomy moods, apathy and depression. It soothes mental agitation and yet builds up concentration power in the mind, enabling us to let loose and cling on at the same time, indispensable for 'restful alertness’, the so called 4th state of consciousness, associated with profound relaxation.   

LEDUM GROENLANDICUM is major hepatic and kidney detoxifier, but also used in cases of insomnia and nervousness.

VALERIAN WALLICHII is a soft tonifying and soothing agent.

LEMON BALM, with its high solar frequencies acting on the pineal gland, is calming and invigorating simultaneously. It chases away melancholy and disharmonious feelings, reconciling the mind and the psyche with our higher Self.

A few drops to rub on the soles, the forehead, the chest and into the elbow vein  before sleep.

With carrier oils:

Sweet almond oil
All skin types, against dryness, inflammation

Olive oil
Soothing, strengthening, inflamed skin 

Sesame oil
All skin types, nourishing, softening – as base

St. John’s Wort oil
Sore muscles and for nervous conditions


The ingredients of this Insomnia synergy have been chosen for their direct approach to the problem of insomnia. They can, without any problems, accompany an allopathic medication with sleeping pills and – if applied regularly – reduce or even replace the same medication in a more natural way. 

SPIKENARD from Nepal is an old Ayurvedic plant used since ages for soothing overagitated cerebral activity. It is an excellent neurovegetative harmonizer, neutralizes fears and is a also very helpful for the heart.

PETITGRAIN BIGARADE from the leaves of the Bitter Orange tree serves as a powerful tranquilizer. It also has anti-spasmodic effects and acts in a balancing way on the central nervous system.

PETITGRAIN MANDARIN, a powerful tranquilizer. Just as PETITGRAIN BIGARADE it has anti-spasmodic effects and acts in a balancing way on the central nervous system.

YLANG YLANG (complete distillation) reduces mental and emotional agitation and psychological stress. It bestows tonus to this synergy and at the same time opens and uplifts the mind and calms the heart. Its exotic floral fragrance makes it a 'joyous’ oil able to chase away sadness and depressed feelings – and it has interesting effects on hypertension.

ANGELICA ROOT is an ancient healer, used in folk medicine of Europe for its sedative and anxiolytic capacity. It has a proven localized action on the nervous system. Angelica helps 'digest’ hidden negative emotions, making it one of the choice oils against anxieties and abdominal spasms.

VALERIAN, stemming from the same family as Spikenard and famous for its powerful sedating effects,  it is used since old to calm the central nervous system, inducing the psycho-somatic tranquillity necessary for sound sleep.

CELERY SEED oil is an aromatic tonifier for the nerves and helps sedate a restless mind.

NEROLI, precious oil from the flowers of the Bitter Orange tree, has a profound effect on depressed states of mind accompanied by fear and negative emotions. It is also a choice oil for tonifying the nervous system.

A few drops to rub on the soles, the forehead, the chest and into the elbow vein.

With carrier oils:

Sweet almond oil
All skin types, against dryness, inflammation

Olive oil
Soothing, strengthening, inflamed skin 

Sesame oil
All skin types, nourishing, softening – as base

St. John’s Wort oil
Sore muscles and for nervous conditions

And here some personal advice from my own experience with a burn-out kind of insomnia I experienced long ago…

Naturally: No discussions, no TV or emotional-intellectual reading 1-2 hours before sleeping

Do not force sleeping, let it happen, learn meditation, read light literature (best: spiritual) while lying in bed with a filtered LED lamp

Check your pH level and your blood pressure

Eat light dinner – no meat, no root vegetables or mushrooms in the evening

Use omega oils and algae products 

Practice aroma-massage (4 – 5 minutes) morning and evening with soothing essential oils (esp. Sesquiterpene- and Sesquiterpenol oils)

Maharishi Ayurveda MA 1401 –  2 Tablets 30 minutes before sleep, also Maharishi Ayurveda 'Nidra’ is very good – 1-2 Tablets,
Maharishi Ayurveda 686 – (Ashwagandha) – 1-2 Tablets,
Sumenta 1-2  Tablets

Western medicine: Melatonin – 1 Tablet 3 or 5 mg – 30 minutes before sleeping – in no case Benzo-Diazepine pills!

Aromatherapy: Jatamansi, Valerian, Petitgrain Mandarin, Neroli, Petitgrain bigarade, Clary Sage, Marjoram, Hops, Lavender, Sandalwood, Sweet Basil, Tarragon, Ylang Ylang, Ledum, Verbena, Ravintsara…

Best: Try out different oils yourself, also in blends… Can be taken also orally – 2 drops 2x/day in honey

They can be taken as pillow spray or on a cotton handkerchief to put near the head

They can be used as full body massage oil with 3-5 % essential oils in a carrier oil (i.e. Maracuya Oil = super for the night)

A few more recipes

Recipe for kids:


HE Ravintsara: 5ml

HE Mandarine: 10ml

Spread the mixture 10 to 15 minutes per hour to benefit from the sedative action of the mixture.

Or Dermal:

HE Ravintsara: 2ml

HE Pin Patagonia: 1ml

Marjolaine HE shells: 1ml

HE Roman Chamomile 2ml

Hazel HV: 3ml 

Transcutol: additional 15ml

Apply 3 to 4 drops of the mixture on the solar plexus, or on the arch, on the inner wrist, or along the spinal column (from Pharmacist D. Baudoux)

Insomnia in pregnant women

Difficulty falling asleep and waking up at night due to various stresses and morphological changes caused by pregnancy.

Neroli: 0.5ml

Bergamot: 1ml

Roman Chamomile: 1ml

Carrier oil Hazelnut: supplement to 15ml

Three drops under the tongue 1/2 hour before bedtime (from Pharmacist D. Baudoux)

And here some scientific research 

On Jasmine and Lavender 

“Research in 2002 helped to confirm the long held belief of aromatherapists that Jasmine oil is a powerful relaxant that works as an effective aid to promoting restful sleep. The researcher, Dr Bryan Raudenbush (…) at the Wheeling Jesuit University in West Virginia, USA, found that people who slept in rooms fragranced with Jasmine appeared to sleep more peacefully and report higher afternoon alertness than when spending the night in a Lavender-scented room, or one with no added fragrance at all… Although people slept the same amount each night, those exposed to Jasmine reported feeling less anxiety when they woke up.” 

On Spikenard oil (Jatamansi) 

“The plant has the power to reduce stress, anxiety and tension by balancing biochemical reactions in the body. It is good to have the mind cool and healthy and the oil acts as one of the finest mind rejuvenator tonic. It facilitates sound sleeping thus good for those who have a stressful life.” 

Cf. http://www./health/

On Neroli, Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram– On sleep problems and high blood pressure (often a cause of isomnia) 

“In a 2013 study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, an aromatherapy blend containing Neroli essential oil was found to reduce anxiety and alleviate sleep problems in a group of coronary angioplasty patients in an intensive care unit… Neroli essential oil may aid in blood pressure control, according to a study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine in 2012.4… 83 people with high blood pressure or prehypertension inhaled the aroma of either a placebo fragrance or an aromatherapy blend containing Neroli, Lavender, Ylang-Ylang, and Marjoram essential oils for 24 hours. Results revealed that those assigned to the aromatherapy blend experienced a significant decrease in blood pressure, as well as in levels of the stress hormone cortisol.” 

And last but not least a few more points on Aroma Massage – a great helper for insomnia

Aroma-massage is more profound than normal massage: Essential oils have a high penetrability through the skin and can be traced within minutes in our organism.

A good aroma-massage improves on a long term basis the quality of our sleep and the degree of relaxation. It is a first class neuro-physiological relaxation therapy.

Aroma-massage enlivens blocked energies and mobilizes hidden reserves.

Aroma-massage leads to marked decrease of stress.

Aroma-massage improves bad circulation and decreases nervous tension and lack of self-confidence in women with PMS.

Aroma-massage is a direct way to influence and purify our auric energy.

Wish you great success! Have a peaceful and good night! Nature is watching on us for a happier life!


欧洲植物精油典范品牌,1990年由植物大师荷索博士创立于德国温泉度假胜地巴登巴登,全球30个国家和地区同步销售,是英国芳香贸易协会ATC和国际芳疗师协会IFA的企业会员,瑞士Usha Veda芳疗认证教育全球指定用油,通过Eco-Cert、Euro-Leaf、Eco-Control、NC等多家权威机构有机认证,深受芳疗教育机构、职业芳疗师和大众消费者的喜爱。

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