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题干的意思是“根据音频内容,下列哪个对嫌疑犯的描述是正确的?”选项 The suspect lives close to Dallas 的意思是“嫌疑人住在达拉斯附近”,与音频内容相符,因此是正确选项。干扰项 1 的意思是“嫌疑人和他的家人一起开车到达拉斯”,干扰项 2 的意思是“嫌疑人在一座亚裔聚集的城市发动袭击”,干扰项 3 的意思是“嫌疑人带走了数百人的...
190807 周三 one day 复习讲义。One day.From the bed, Dexter watched her appear in the doorway, wearing the gown and mortar board that they’d been obliged to hire for the graduation ceremony, her leg hooked mock-seductively around the doorframe, her rolled degree certificate in one hand. 德克斯特从床上望过去,只见她出...
190804 周日 网络语言 复习讲义。adj. 固定的。其中,主语是 A computer simulation,谓语动词是 proved,that 引导了一个宾语从句。这个宾语从句的主语是 a mix of strong and weak ties,后面破折号中间的部分是插入语,用来解释说明前面的 a mix of strong and weak ties。这篇文章中,作者的观点是网络对语言的改变程度比老顽固们担心地要...
after 前面这部分的主干是 A has pulled the plug on B,其中有一个 who 引导的定语从句,who created an algorithm,用来修饰 app 的开发人员,表示这款 app 的开发人员发明了一种算法;一名国外的程序员发明了一种算法,可以使用人工智能创建“深度伪造”图像,展现逼真的女性裸体,这款名叫 DeepNude 的软件带来了不少流量,也很快招致大量...
190803 周六 英国拍卖埃及文物 复习讲义。在图坦卡蒙雕像以 597 万美元拍出后,埃及将发起诉讼补充词汇知识。搭配短语:the sale(拍卖)which 引导的定语从句补充说明了石头雕像的外观,for £4.7 million ($5.97 million) 表示雕像的成交价,at a London auction on July 4 表示拍卖的地点和时间,despite protests from Cairo that the reli...
college,university 和 school.但在美国,college 和 university 都表示大学,university 指综合性大学。因此,美语中表示“上大学”经常说 go to college。A 是 students admitted to choosy colleges but who attended less selective schools ,其中 admitted to choosy colleges 相当于 who were admitted to choosy colleges,和 who att...
next level.相关词汇:next-level.例句:Jay Chou was a next level artist back in the days.搭配短语:turn on the AC.搭配短语:turn off the AC.长难句解析''''''''It is straight up hot as soccer balls out there,'''''''' the department wrote in the post, which h...
n. 投入长难句解析Within the region, the white-sand Meelup Beach and foodie festivals including Gourmet Escape and the brilliantly named Truffle Kerfuffle.那里有着白沙绵延的米拉普海滩,还有“美食逃跑计划”、名字超巧妙的“松露碌碌”等美食节。
该句主干是 Retro style may have reached its peak. 两个破折号之间的是 retro style 的同位语 a hot fashion trend,后面的 that’s boosted nostalgic labels from decades past 是修饰 a hot fashion trend 的定语从句。该句的主语是 HanesBrands spokesman Matt Hall,谓语是 said,宾语是一个宾语从句,宾语从句中的主语是 Champion’s b...
190726 周五 支付宝投资女足 复习讲义。The injection of cash comes as the US Women''''''''s National Team, which clinched a fourth victory on July 7 at the World Cup, pushes back against a pay disparity between the women''''''''s and men''''...
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