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脱口秀 | 秦昊“出轨”,伊能静深夜怒斥:你怎么可以这样对你老婆!exhilarating /?例句1:My first parachute jump was an exhilarating experience.例句1:Making the leap from coupledom to baby-makes-three is exciting, exhilarating, and wonderful. It''''''''s also exhausting, exasperating, and ...
今天还有一个超大福利,在这里????外刊福利&学习tips:2021+2022 外刊福利资源 免费送!在「输入」方面,最好的方式是「大量阅读」,早安英文推荐大家读外刊,因为外刊天然拥有其他学习材料不具备的许多优势:为了辅助大家的英文学习,我们整理了去年和今年全年外刊资源(包括《时代杂志》、《经济学人》…),大家扫码添加艾伦老师,礼貌...
猥亵亲生女儿却被判无罪?Disorder 障碍??例句1:Finally, some peoplehave sleep disorders like sleepwalking or talking.最后,有些个体会出现睡眠障碍,比如梦游或说梦话。例句2:Those people who used social media a lot were threetimes more likely to have a sleep disorder.例句1:I''''''''m exha...
今天的节目,Blair 老师和 January老师就和大家聊聊那些大学英文名的故事??正式节目从第47秒开始??今日笔记 01.交通大学为什么用拼音Jiaotong 而不是transportation.像normal、normalize,normalization,这几个英文单词,就源于此。邮政式拼音则是一个以威妥玛拼音为根据、用拉丁字母来专门拼写中国地名的拼音系统。邮政式拼音虽然新中国成立...
例句2:Dean was a lightweight. He could be drunk with just one beer.迪恩是个酒量不好的人,他只喝一杯啤酒就能醉倒。例句1:He drinks beer and wine, but he doesn''''''''t drink any hard liquor.ɑ?t/ n. 一小杯酒、少量酒??例句1:Could you give me a shot of whisky?你能给我一杯威士忌吗???例句2...
今天呢,在长沙又是冬夏模式任意切换的天气里,Summer老师来和大家分享一些与 cold 还有 hot 相关的一些俚语??正式节目从第12秒开始??今日笔记01.Hot as hell 特别热??例句:Well, summer is around the corner and it''''''''s going to be hot as hell this summer probably. 夏天马上要来了,这个夏天也许...
例句1: Shecan be a proper little minx when she wants to get her own way!例句2:How far willthe manipulative minx go to hold on to her man?例句1:Looking at her, it''''''''s sometimes hard to remember she is anincredibly capable woman.例句2:You did sayshe was a very capable woman.例句1...
例句1:So, who taught you how to make pizza?例句1:What kind of different pizzas do you know how to make?例句1:When would you have time to go to the pizza spot?例句1:Where is your favorite pizza spot?例句2:Where do you find the best ingredients?例句1:Why did you want to learn how to make pizza?例句2:Why do you pr...
在今天的节目里,就让我们跟着 Blair老师和 Norah老师就和大家一起来聊聊吧??正式节目从第44秒开始??今日笔记01.turn red v.(因为害羞/尴尬)变得脸红??例句1:He tried to deny it, but he went very red.他试图否认,但他的脸却红了。例句3:Pimples are most likely to occur around puberty, but they can happen at any age.青春期最有可...
例句1:I don''''''''t wear a suit beacuse the dress code at my office is business casual.malfunction /?例句1:The actress had a wardrobe malfunction while walking the red carpet.例句2:I chose my outfit carefully to avoid wardrobe malfunctions.例句1:He was wearing fit-like-a-glove jean...
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