

 木森moose 2020-03-01





Gluten, also named as 面筋 (miàn jīn), 麦胶 (mài jiāo) or 谷蛋白 (gǔ dàn bái) , is a mixture of proteins found in wheat, barley, rye and their derivatives. Gluten is a unique protein giving a wheat dough viscoelastic properties. Gluten is found in many staple foods including breads, noodles, steamed buns and dumplings.


Gluten-related disorders

相关失指的是由麸造成的疾病的称。麸相关失包括乳糜泻(celiac disease)、疱疹皮炎(dermatitis herpetiformis)、非乳糜泻的小麦敏感(non-celiac wheat sensitivity)和麸(gluten ataxia)。有,麸不耐受(gluten intolerance)一会用于指代麸相关失


Gluten-related disorders is the umbrella term for all diseases induced by gluten. Gluten-related disorders include celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, non-celiac gluten sensitivity, and gluten ataxia. ”Gluten intolerance”  is sometimes used as a synonym for gluten-related disorders.

乳糜泻 (rǔ mí xiè)

Celiac disease, coeliac disease



Celiac disease (CD ) is an autoimmune disease in which – due to genetic suscetibility the surface of small intestine does not tolerate dietary gluten. When gluten is ingested, it will stimulate immune response, leading to inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and eventually villus atrophy of the small intestine. CD is not only a gastrointestinal disease; it may involve in any organ, including skin and brain. The classical symptoms of CD include gastrointestinal manifestations such as diarrhea and bloating. However, CD can also be asymptimatic. All over the world, CD may affect approximately 12% of the general population, Chinese descent included. To date, the only available medically accepted treatment for people with CD is to follow a life long gluten-free diet.

非乳糜泻的小麦敏感 (fēi rǔmíxiè de xiǎomài mǐngǎn)

non-celiac wheat sensitivityNCWS

非乳糜泻的小麦敏感指的是,患者不存在乳糜泻或小麦敏,但在食麸后会出消化道症状或外症状,而在排除麸后症状会得到解。常的消化道症状似于易激合征(IBS)的症状,比如腹痛、腹、腹泻或便秘。常外症状包括痛、慢性疲、皮炎和精神相关疾病。去,种病症常被称作「非乳糜泻的麸敏感」。但研究表明,小麦中其他物,比如α-淀粉/胰蛋白抑制(Alpha-Amylase Trypsin Inhibitors),也可能造成症状。因此,非乳糜泻的小麦敏感会是一个更准确的法。


Non-celiac wheat sensitivity(NCWS) is a syndrome in which people develop a variety of intestinal or extraintestinal symptoms when gluten is ingested, after celiac disease and wheat allergy are excluded. Gastrointestinal symptoms of NCWS, which resemble those of irritable bowel syndrome, may include abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea or constipation. Extra-intestinal symptoms may include headache, chronic fatigue, skin rash or other neurologic diseases. NCWS is also known as non-celiac gluten sensitivity. But researches show that some other substances in wheat, such as "Alpha-Amylase Trypsin Inhibitors", could also be the culprit. Hence, non-celiac wheat sensitivity could be a more appropriate term.


Wheat allergy



Wheat allergy is an allergy mediated by IgE responses. Wheat allergy has 

typical symptoms of food allergy, including skin rash, urticaria, swelling, nausea, vomiting and asthma. Severe anaphylactic reaction can also lead to 

anaphylactic shock. In China, wheat is the most common food that causes anaphylactic shock.



Gluten-free food




注:大麦(Barley)是含麸的。薏米(Pearl Barley)然英文名中含有Barley,但它是无麸的。


Gluten-free food, also named as “无面筋食品”, is food that contains 20ppm or less gluten. Thus, staple foods made from wheat,  beers made from barley, or soy sauces that contains wheat, are not regarded as being gluten free.

Proteins (avenins) present in some species of oats is similar to gliadin from wheat and may trigger celiac disease in a small number of people. Also, oat products are frequently contaminated by other gluten-containing grains, maily wheat and barley.

Gluten-free grains include rice, corn, millet, sorghum, buckwheat and quinoa. Vegetables, meats and nuts are naturally gluten-free.

After being diagnosed with CD, it is required to keep a lifelong gluten-free diet, to ensure the recovery of intestinal mucosa.

Note: While barley contains gluten, pearlbarley(seed of Job's tears) is gluten-free.

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