

 创骨英文 2020-12-10


Body fractures  Surgery is not necessary. The patient wears a sling for comfort, and from the start practises active exercises to the shoulder, elbow and fingers.

Isolated glenoid neck fractures  The fracture is  usually impacted and the glenoid surface is intact. A sling is worn for comfort and early exercises are begun. 

Intra-articular fractures  Type I glenoid fractures, if displaced, may result in instability of the shoulder. If the fragment involves more than a third of the glenoid surface and is displaced by more than 5 mm surgical fixation should be considered. Anterior rim fractures are approached through a delto-pectoral incision and posterior rim fractures through the posterior approach. Type II fractures are associated with inferior subluxation of the head of the humerus and require open reduction and internal fixation. Types III, IV, V and VI fractures have poorly defined indications for surgery. Generally speaking, if the head is centred on the major portion of the glenoid and the shoulder is stable  a  non-operative  approach  is  adopted. Comminuted fractures of the glenoid fossa are likelyto lead to osteoarthritis in the longer term.

Fractures of the acromion  Undisplaced fractures are treated non-operatively. Only Type III acromial fractures, in which the subacromial space is reduced, require operative intervention to restore the anatomy.

Fractures of the coracoid process  Fractures distal to the coracoacromial ligaments do not result in serious anatomical displacement; those proximal to the ligaments are usually associated with acromioclavicular separations and may need operative treatment.

Combined fractures  Whereas an isolated fracture of the glenoid neck is stable, if there is an associated  fracture of the clavicle or disruption of the acromioclavicular ligament the glenoid mass may become markedly displaced giving rise to a ‘floating shoulder’ (Williams et al, 2001). Diagnosis can be difficult and may require advanced imaging and three-dimensional reconstructions. At least one of the injuries (and sometimes both) will need  operative fixation before the fragments are stabilized.

---from 《Apley’s System of Orthopaedics and Fractures》P736-737



the fragment involves more than a third of the glenoid surface and is displaced by more than 5 mm 骨折碎片占关节盂表面的三分之一以上,移位超过5毫米

rim /rɪm/n. 边,边缘

incision  /ɪnˈsɪʒn/n. 切口;入路;雕刻,切割;切开

posterior approach后方入路

subluxation /,sʌblʌk'seiʃən/n. [外科] 半脱位;不全脱位

Comminuted fractures of the glenoid fossa are likelyto lead to osteoarthritis in the longer term.从长期来看,肩胛窝粉碎性骨折有可能导致骨关节炎。

acromion /ə'kromɪən/n. [解剖] 肩峰

subacromial 肩峰下的

coracoid process喙突

coracoacromial ligaments喙肩韧带

proximal  /ˈprɑːksɪməl/adj. 近端的;近源的;(牙齿)近侧的

acromioclavicular/ə,krəumiəuklə'vikjulə/adj. 肩锁的

floating shoulder漂浮肩

 three-dimensional reconstructions三维重建/ˌθriː daɪˈmenʃənl,ˌθriː dɪˈmenʃənl/









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