
沈晓霞| 研讨 生长:一节研讨课散记(附教案:人教新起点1B Unit 2 Room Lesson 1)

 凌哥英语 2022-03-06

研讨 生长:一节新教师的研讨课散记

桐乡市濮院茅盾实验小学  沈晓霞

前言:新学期,又到了小徒弟上课的时间,随着人教版新起点教材的运用,给我们的教学研讨带来了困难和挑战,同时也促使我们从更多的角度去思考教材。因为从未接触过这个教材,所以在讨论过程中显得有些迷茫,本次执教的是人教新起点1B Unit 2 Room Lesson 1的内容。

首先教材情境有些看不懂,查了很多资料也都无法有一个线索证明他们之间的联系性,教参里也没有任何关于教材创设的说法。前一个单元的句型是Where's the ... ?It's on the ... ?而这个单元的句型是What's on the ... ?A ... 如果想要整合教学,似乎又不合逻辑性。最后两人在对教材和文本分析的基础上,我们索性跳开了主情境图,设计了一个有Naughty cat 和Naughty Lucky参与的故事。试着想在下一节课再设计Naughty Lucky误闯一个破旧房间继续单元主情景图的内容和第二课时的教学。


Unit 2 Room Lesson 1教案

I. Warm up

1. Free talk
T: Good morning, I'm ... How are you today?
S1: I'm fine.
T: Look! What's this?
Ss: It's a pencil box.
T: Where is the pencil box?
Ss: It's in/on/under the box. 

设计意图:通过摆放铅笔盒与盒子的位置,复习Where is the ...? It's on/in/under ...句型。学生刚接触英语半年,话轮意识仍比较薄弱,教师要有意识的用话轮将对话延续,可以让他们在起始阶段就有良好的启蒙习惯。同时也有效的复习了之前所学的方位词和句型,为这节课做好铺垫。

II. Presentation

1.Enjoy a song.(教师播放动画后,呈现视频中的单词和图片,让学生再次加深对学过方位词的印象,关注新出现的词,根据音频让学生推测新单词near的首字母发音)



T: Look, can you read it?
Ss: In, on, under.
T: How about this one? Listen! Which letter is missing?
Ss: /n/. 教学near.
T: Where is the boy?
Ss: The boy is near the box.
T: Wow, you did a good job.
T: Now let's say some sentences. Where is the red ball?
Ss: It's in the box.
T: Where is the box?
Ss: It's on the desk.
T: Great!

T: Where is the boy?
Ss: The boy is near the desk.
T: Where is the desk?
Ss: It's in the ...
T: In the classroom or the room?
Ss: Room. (教学room)
T: What's in the room?
Ss: A _____ in the room. (a ball/box/desk/boy)
T: Now let's go to another room.

设计意图:通过视频复习第一单元词汇与句型,并解决新词near、box。初步感知新句型What's in the room?鼓励学生说得更多,培养学生的观察意识。同时也测试学生对介词用法的掌握程度。

2. 分步教学单词。

1> bed
T: Look! How is this room?
Ss: It's so big/nice.
T: What's in the room?
Ss: A desk. A green chair.
T: What's this?
Ss: It's a ... 播放bed音频,让学生移动字母b,d,并教学bed。
T: Look, what color is the bed?
Ss: It's blue.
T: So it's a ___ bed.领读
T: Now who wants to try next one?
S1: A green bed. It's a green bed.
S2: It's a pink bed.






T: Look! What's this?
Ss: It's a cat.
T: Where is the cat?
Ss: It's on the bed. (先出示on the bed板贴)
T: Can you read? What's on the bed?(板书句型,并教学整句)
Ss: It's a cat.
T: So lovey! Oh, it's a naughty cat. Where is the cat?
Ss: It's near the bed/chair.
T: Look! Where is the cat now?
Ss: It's _____ the bed. (播放behind音频,移动b/d/h三个字母并教学behind)




T: What's near the cat?
Ss: It's a ____. 播放light音频、移动字母并教学light
T: The light is near the cat. What colour is the light?
Ss: It's red.
T: So it's a ____ light near the cat.
Ss:It's a red light near the cat.
T: Where is the cat now?
Ss: It's on the (red) light.
T: Can you say? What's __ the light?(让学生根据回答,补全问句)
T: Oh, it's really a naughty cat.



T: Look! What's this?
Ss: It's a ___. 教学door
T: What colour is the door?
Ss: It's white. It's a white door.
T: (蒙层) What's this?
Ss: It's a yellow bird. 
T: Where is the yellow bird?
Ss: It's on the white door.
T: So can you ask? What's ...?教师点板书让给学生尝试问。
Ss: What's on the door?
Ss: ______ on the door. 依次出现bird/pig/ monkey/tiger.(擦除部分,形成信息差,让学生用词块回答)
T: Wow, so many animals on the door. It's a nice door. 
T: Now let's say with your partners. I have some tips. We should speak loudly and beautifully.(出示评价标准)

设计意图:培养话轮意识,使语言更丰富,并对之前已学知识进行整合(颜色),滚动复习,有利于学生语言输出的丰富性。评价的介入让学生更有导向性,最后一句省略的可以充分发挥学生的主观能动性和语言的丰富性,如学生不会输出,则借助板书再次强调句型Wow,a yellow bird on the door

III. Consolidation

1.Let’s say



T: Oh, the door is open. Lucky is coming. What's in his mouth?
Ss: It's a (blue) pencil box.
T: What's near the box?
Ss: It's a pencil box.
T: Where is Lucky?
Ss: It's behind/near the box. I can see a tail.
T: Look, the box fell down. Lucky is naughty too.
T: Is this a tidy room now?
Ss: No.
T: Can you help Lucky? 
Ss: Lucky,put the ... (让学生移一移,,用童真的口吻和Lucky 进行有趣的对话)
T: Wow, the room is tidy. You are helpful!

设计意图:利用动画效果,制造有趣的情节,并与第一单元Put the ...句型整合在一起,培养学生保持房间整洁的行为习惯。教材中的Lucky,本身就赋予了有人的超能力,当学生走进Lucky与之对话的时候,一起都显得比较自然,而且将德育的教学不着痕迹的在这个环节中体现。

2. Let’s chant.

T: What's this?
Ss: It's a light. 
T: Where is the light?
Ss: It's a near the bed.
T: Now it's the chant time! First, let's enjoy the chant and try to follow it.
T: This time, we should try to chant together! After this time, I'll ask someone to show us. Here we go!
T: Oh, it's a challenge. We should say more. How to say more?
   What colour is the light?
Ss: It's blue.(依次说一遍物品颜色,然后打节奏尝试)
  This is the ___ light, near the ___ bed. ....


IV. Summary and Homework.

1. Read the words on page 12 three times.
2. Draw a room and introduce your room to your friends by the chant.



1. 如何让学生主动去思维而不是灌输式的接受?

2. 如何让我们的课件制作优势变成学生上课可以自己挖掘的有趣资源?

3. 教师在授课过程中如何才能不走流程?

4. 板书是不是因为要黑板上好看,为了要有板书而板书?








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