
Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia

 昵称1058327 2011-04-10

Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia



Introduction 部分介绍了一些有关“沙尘暴”的词汇,要求通过练习让学生熟悉这些词汇的意义,并通过讨论问题的方式,让学生初步了解沙尘暴。

Reading and Vocabulary 部分通过阅读Sandstorms in Asia,让学生学习相关词汇,学会分析文章结构,归纳段落大意,同时增进对沙尘暴危害性的了解,为后面的说、写做准备。

Grammar 1 部分旨在让学生通过三个学习活动,发现规律,理解掌握“动词不定式”的各种时态和语态概念,以达到正确使用各种形式的目的。

Listening and Vocabulary 部分先引入大量与环境有关的词汇,然后通过给topics排序,回答问题以及用刚学词汇完成句子的活动对词汇加以巩固和掌握。

Grammar 2 部分为“动词不定式”的一种特殊用法,即but后加不带to的不定式。要求在进行活动的同时加以启发,让学生明确用法。

Pronunciation and Function部分通过听的训练让学生掌握句子的重读,同时掌握如何“表达强烈感情”,并加以练习进行巩固。

Speaking 1 部分要求学生就“沙尘暴”的话题进行访谈。

Speaking 2 部分要求教师引导学生认识了解环境污染问题,然后以“环保”为主题,进行讨论,提高学生的环保意识。

Writing 部分通过四个步骤的练习掌握写作技巧,学会写有关环保的短文。

Everyday English部分出自本模块听力部分,可以在听力结束后处理本环节。主要通过补全对话的形式使学生熟练掌握这几个表达

Cultural Corner部分通过介绍欧洲一些国家的环保情况,让学生了解欧洲国家在环保方面的一些做法。


Module File部分对本模块内容进行归纳,学生对自己的学习进行反思和检验,教师获得反馈信息。


1. 教学重点

(1)   掌握一些与沙尘暴和环保有关的词汇。

(2)   学习不定式的各种形式。

(3)   学习表达有关沙尘暴和环保的话题。

2. 教学难点

(1)   掌握不定式的各种形式。

(2)   谈论沙尘暴和环保。

(3) 写有关环保的短文。



第一课时:Introduction, , Pronunciation and function

第二课时:Reading and Vocabulary,

第三课时:Vocabulary and Listening, Everyday English

第四课时:Grammar 1 and Grammar 2

第五课时:Cultural Corner

第六课时:Speaking ,Writing, Task, Module File


Period 1 Introduction, Pronunciation and function

Teaching Goals: 

1. To arouse Ss interest about sandstorms and environmental protection;

2. To get Ss to learn some words to describe sandstorms;

3.To let Ss know the stress of sentences.

4.To enable Ss to express strong opinions.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Introduction

1. Present some pictures and let Ss know what is Sandstorm..


2. Ask Ss to work in pairs to make sure of the meanings of the words in the box of Activity 1. And then complete the sentences.

3. Ask Ss to discuss these questions in Activity 3.

4.Language Points


单词积累:frighten vt 吓唬,使惊恐 frightened adj  害怕的

拓展: frighten away吓跑

     frightensb.to death把某人吓得要死

     frighten sb. into/out of doing sth.吓得某人要做/不做某事

     be frightened with sth.对某事感到害怕

     be frightened by被吓……坏 

     be frightened of对……感到惊恐

2cut down砍倒;削减(数量、开支)

Many big trees along the road have been cut down for building houses

many of the branches of which were cut up for firewood.


Im trying to cut down on caffeine.我在努力减少咖啡因的摄入量。



cut away切下,砍掉

cut across/through抄近路穿过,取捷径

cut back剪枝;修剪,减少,削减

cut in(on sth.)插嘴,插入

cut off切断;切掉;隔绝

cut out剪除,切掉,割掉;删除

cut up切碎(=cut...into pieces);使伤心

cut sth. in half/in two将……对半切开

If you dont ________ your smokingI will ________ your supply.

Acut upcut down      Bcut downcut off   Ccut incut off     Dcut incut up

解析:句意:“如果你不少抽烟,我就不供给你了。”考查cut down“削减”,cut off“切断”用法,故答案是B

3. prevent 阻止
prevent sb.
from sth.\doing sth.
Stop sb.
from doing sth
Keep sb. from doing sth
protect sb. from sth                     

There was nothing to prevent her from doing so.
Who prevent their plans from being carried out?


Many people in the region believe that oneshould eat garlic(大蒜)every day to  _D___


     A. Defend         B. protect     C. guard           D. prevent

Step 2. Pronunciation and Function

1. Ask Ss to look at the sentences in Activity 1 and 2. Ask Ss to discuss the stress of the sentences and underline the stressed words. Let them listen to the tape and check the answers.

I couldnt agree with you more.

I think you are absolutely right.

Its extremly serious.

I have no idea.

It couldnt be worse.

Its absolutly hopeless

2. Let Ss know that the sentences in Step 4 can be used to express strong opinions. Then ask Ss to finish Activity 3 using the sentences.

Step 3. Homework

1. Ask Ss to collect more information in English about sandstorms.

2. Preview Reading and Vocabulary.

Period 2 Reading and Vocabulary

Teaching Goals:

1.        To get Ss to learn how to guess new words in the context;

2.        To get Ss to learn more words and phrases about sandstorms;

3.        To let Ss grasp some reading skills and reading strategy;

4.        To help Ss learn how to talk about sandstorms further.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Pre-reading

Ask Ss to answer the following questions to lead to the topic of this period.

(1) Whats your definition of sandstorm?

(2) Can we prevent sandstorms? How?

(3) Suppose you are an expert, what will you advise people to do in this situation?

Step 2. While-reading.

1. Fast reading

Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and decide how to divide the whole passage. Then give the main idea of every paragraph.

Suggested Answers:    

(1) The structure of the passage:

Part 1: para 1

Part 2: paras2-4

Part 3: paras5-6

(2) The main idea of every paragraph

Para 1: Major disaster in AsiaSandstorms.

Para 2: The description of sandstorms.

Para 3: The causes of sandstorms.

Para 4: The influence of sandstorms.

Para 5: The forecast and suggestions of sandstorms.

Para 6: The measures taken by the government.

2. Intensive reading

(1) Ask Ss to read the passage carefully in pairs and check the meanings of the new words or difficulty words with each other. If they have difficulty, they may refer to the dictionary.

(2) Check whether Ss understand some words or phrases in the passage. Ask them to find words to match the definitions.

to ride a bicycle      ______

someone who knows a lot about a particular subject      ________

things that happen one after another, and have a result    ________

someone who first lives in a particular town or country   ________

very small bits of dirt or earth, on the ground or in the air      ______

to continue to live after a difficult or dangerous situation or event   _____

to say what will probably happen   ______

everything that is happening at a particular time    _______

sand hills    _______

to cause a change    ________

11 something that is worn over ones face   _______

12 the noun form of strong    _______

Suggested Answers:

cycle  expert    process   citizen dust   survive

forecast situations sand dunes affect  11 mask  12 strength

3.Finish the exercise at Activity 3, Page 33


4.Complete the sentences

1) prevent you from seeing the sun

2) he experienced a terrible sandstorm

3) desertification.

4) deserts and sandstorms to increase

5) prevent the desert coming nearer

5.Complete the sentences in Activity 5.

Step 3. Language Points

1. Ask Ss to work in pairs and find sentences in the passage to replace the following sentences.

(1) Ren Jianbo is from Inner Mongolia. He described a terrible sandstorm that he experienced in the desert when he was a child.

(2) When citizens wake up, they find that the sky has an orange color and there are strong winds with thick, brown-yellow dust.

Suggested Answers:

(1) Ren Jianbo, form Inner Mongolia described a terrible sandstorm he experienced as a child in the desert. (Paragraph 2, Page 32)

(2) Citizens wake up to an orange sky and strong winds that cover the city in a thick, brown-yellow dust. (Paragraph 4, Page 32)

2.Sandstorms have been a major disaster for many Asian countries  for centuries.


minor: 次要的,较小的

majority: 多数,大部分(n.)

minority: 少数;少数民族

I dont think that is a major problem.

Mary plays a major role in the game.

I majors in English in the University.

  major adj. (数量、大小、程度等)较大的,较多的,较大范围的;主要的,重要的;严重的

n. 主修科目;专业;主修某专业的学生

vi. 主修 (常与in连用)


1) The major part of the audience began   laughing. 大部分观众笑了起来。

2) The road to be completed next week will   be a major transport line for the city.  下周要完工的这条公路将成为该城市的主要交通线。

3) They suffered some major setbacks during the fighting.                                       他们在这次战斗中遭受了严重的挫折。

4). He is a history major. / His major is  history.

    他是主修历史的学生。/ 他的专业是历史。

5). She majored in philosophy when she was studying at Harvard.


3. A mass campaign has been started to help solve it.


a mass campaign   大规模的运动

a sale campaign  促销运动

an anti-smoking campaign

an advertising campaign

carry on a campaign


We are going to begin a campaign against the pollution of the environment.

2mass adj 大规模的;大量的
团、块、堆;大量;the mass=the puplic)群众,民众  vt.聚集.

The sky was full of masses of clouds.(amass of = masses of 大量的)

Their latest product is aimed at the mass market.

Dark clouds massed ,and we expected rain.

4. They are so thick that you cannot see the sun, and the wind is sometimes strong enough to move sand dunes.沙尘暴能见度经常很低以至于看不见太阳,风有时得能移动沙丘。

So that…与 such that…句型归纳

1 such + a/an + adj +单数可数名词 +that-clause

2 such + adj + 复数可数名词 + that-clause

3 such + adj +不可数名词 + that-clause

4 so + adj/ adv + that-clause

5 so + adj + a/an +单数可数名词+ that-clause

6 so + many / few +复数可数名词 +that-clause

7 so + much / little ()+不可数名词 + that-clause

5. To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience. 陷在风尘暴中是一次可怕的经历。

be caught in the heavy rain/snowstorm/traffic突然遭到 (,暴风雪,堵车等)。如:

He was caught in the heavy snow on his way home last night.


catch sb doing sth 撞见/发现某人正在做……

catch up with 赶上

6. There was nothing to be done.什么也干不了。

  这是一个动词不定式作定语的there be 句型,动词不定式用主动和被动都可以,但也略有区别.当说话人考虑的是必须有人去完成某事时,用主动;如强调的是事情本身必须完成,则用被动。


There was nothing to be done (某东西坏了,无法使之恢复)

There was nothing to do. (无事可做,十分乏味)

There is a lot of work to do.  (Somebody has to do the work.)

There is a lot of work to be done. (The work has to be done.)

7.Sandstorms in China appear to have increase in recent years ---.

  appear to: 似乎,好象(一般不用进行时态)

He appears to be upset today.

è He seems to be upset today.

My parents appeared to get angry easily yesterday.

e.g Do let your mother know all the truth. She  appears ___ everything.

A.      to tell             B. to be told C.  to be telling      D. to have been told

8. Sandstorms in China appear to have increased in recent years as a result of desertification. 因“荒漠化”越发严重,中国近年来发生沙尘暴的次数明显增加了。

  as a result of 因为……的结果。如: 

He got ill as a result of the bad weather.


as a result  因此。如:  

As a result, he got a great success in his experiment.

  result from  因于,因……而起。如: 

His success resulted from his hard work.

  result in  致使, 导致,造成……的结果。如: 

His hard work resulted in his success.

9. This is a process that happens when land becomes desert because of climate changes and because people cut down trees and dig up grass.

cut down砍倒, 削减 (数量,开支)。如:

Enough has been done to stop people cutting down many trees.

   dig up / dig out 掘出;挖出;发掘。如:

   (a) He has dug up some vegetables.

      (b) We have to dig out the car from the snow.   

10. The storms sometimes continue all day and traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust makes it difficult to see. 暴风有时持续一整天,车辆开得很慢,因为浓浓的尘埃降低了能见度。

make it + adj (n) + (for sb) to do

to do为真正宾语,it是形式宾语。如:

The holes in the window made it very hard to keep the room warm.

This has made it necessary for us to learn English well.

11. but the strength of the storm sometimes surprises people.

   surprise vt 使惊奇,使震惊。如:

That he cheated in the exam surprised me.

  The news surprised me.


excite, disappoint, frighten, interest, etc.

12. Citizens wake up to an orange sky and---.

    wake up to sth :意识到,发觉到某事物


He didnt wake up to the importance of study until he joined in the work.


He didnt wake up to the seriousness of the situation.

13.To be cycling in a sandstorm is frightening. 在沙尘暴中骑车真可怕。

to be cycling  为动词不定式,在句子中做主语。如:

To refuse him is no easy this time.

14. To prevent it coming nearer, the government is planting trees.为阻止沙漠的逼近,政府已经开始植树。

To prevent it coming nearer, 动词不定式作目的状语。

prevent (from) doing…防止或阻止……干……如:

His advice prevented me from making a serious mistake.


stop (from) doing, keep from doing

The heavy rain stopped /keept me from going shopping.

15..things that happen one after another..

one after another一个接一个(强调连续性)

one by one一个一个地(强调一次一个)

The students came one after another.

Write down your idea one by one.


one and all        个个都,全都

one another      相互

one ang only     唯一的,独一无二的

cne and the other  (两个人)轮流的,交替的

Step 4. Post-reading

Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss these questions.

Q1. What do you know about sandstorms in Beijing?

Q2. What caused sandstorms?

Q3. What can we do to stop sandstorms?

Step 5. Homework

Ask Ss to finish the Reading exercises in the Workbook on P87~88.


Period 3 Vocabulary and Listening, Everyday English

Teaching Goals:

1.      To enable Ss to know some skills of listening.

2.      To study some daily expressions.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

    Check the answers to the Reading exercises in the Workbook.

Step 2. Vocabulary study

Ask Ss to match the words with the definitions in Activity 1 on page 35.

Step 3. Listening

1. Ask Ss to listen to the conversation and finish Activity 2 on page 35.

2. Get Ss to check and explain the meaning of the words in the box in Activity 3 in pairs.

3. Get Ss to listen again and ask them to answer the questions in Activity 3.

4. Ask Ss to listen again and complete the sentences in Activity 4.

Step 4. Post-listening

Ask Ss to think about the following question:

As a senior high student, what should we do to improve our environment?

Step 5. Everyday English

1. Ask Ss to finish the exercises in Everyday English on page 38.

2. Give Ss the explanations of the expressions.

1.to have a bad effect on someone or something

have an effect on sb./sth.对某人/某物有影响

have an influence on sb./sth.对某人/某物有影响

have an impact on sb./sth.对某人/某物有影响

have a side effect on sb./sth.对某人/某物有负面影响/副作用

have an important effect/ impact/ influence

on sb./sth.对某人/某物有重大影响

bring/carry/put sth. into effect实行,实现,贯彻,


take effect生效,起作用

2.the most northern and southern points on earth


pointed尖的,尖锐的  pointer 指针



a point of view观点,着眼点 

at all points在各个方面

at the piont of 将近……的时候

in point恰当的,中肯的 

to the point切题;中肯;扼要   off  the point离题

be on the point of 正要……

point at 指着     point out 指出     point to 指向

3. concerned  adj. 关心的

 concern    n.影响,涉及;担心,忧虑

Unconcerned  adj. 不担心的

Concerning   prep.关于;有关

be concerned about /over /for    对某事关心, 挂念

as (so) far as is concerned    就……来说, 就……而言

where is concerned   在牵扯到……的时候 (情况下)

be concerned with/in  和……有关

show /express concern about对……表示关心/担心

have a concern in和……有利害关系

as concerns that matter


4.Trees take in carbon dioxide ang give out oxygen. 

   (1) take in理解,吸收;收容,接纳;欺骗

The students find it easy to take in what

You teach.

He had nowhere to live in,so we took

him in .

I was taken in by the cheat.

(2) give out 分发;用完,用尽;发表,公布;发出(光、热)

Please give out  the examination papers.

The sun gives out  light ang heat.

They gave out  ad leaflets to the customers.

After a days walk,both the horse and the

man gave out .

give away泄露;揭发;送掉give off放出,散发出give in递交,呈送;屈服

5.In a nutshell:简言之

To put it in a nutshell,the show was bad.


in a word总之,一句话 in brief简单地说,简言之 in short长话短说,综上所述

in summary总的说来,概括地说all in all总之   to sum up 总之概括地说

in other words换句话说in words用语言

Step 6. Homework

Ask Ss to finish the Vocabulary exercises in the Workbook on P86.


Period 4 Grammar 1, Grammar 2

Teaching Goals:

1.      To enable Ss to know about the active voice and passive voice of the infinitive;

2.      To enable Ss to know about three tenses of the infinitive;

3.      To enable Ss to know about a special use of the Infinitive: but + do

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Revision

Check the answers to the Vocabulary Exercises in the Workbook.

Step 2. Grammar 1

1. Ask Ss to divide the examples in Activity 1 on page 34 into two groups. The sentences in group one use the active voice and those in the other group use the passive voice.

Suggested Answers:

Group one:

(a)  The wind is strong enough to move sand dunes.

   (b)  We were advised not to go outside.

   (c)  Its frightening to be cycling to work in a sandstorms.

   (d)  I am the only person in my family to have been in a sandstorm.

Group two:

(e)  Theres nothing to be done.

(f)  To have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience.

2. Ask Ss to observe the various forms of the infinitive and find the rules of the formation.

3. Rewrite the sentences using infinitive structures in Activity 2.

4. Ask Ss to put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive forms in Activity 3 on P34.

5. Ask Ss to discuss and make the following conclusion.




to do



to be doing



to have done



to be done



to have been done



6. Ask Ss to translate the following sentences.

(1)            妈妈警告我不要独自到河里游泳,因为太危险了。

(2)            我不想被别人看到穿这么糟糕的衣服。

(3)            不用假装在睡觉,我知道你醒着呢。

(4)            你似乎已经知道这个消息了,我就不必再告诉你了。

Suggested Answers:

(1)            My mother warned me not to swim in the river alone because its dangerous.

(2)            I dont want to be seen in such an awful dress.

(3)            Dont pretend to be sleeping. I know you are awake.

(4)            You seem to have known the news. I dont need to tell you that.

Step 3. Grammar 2

1. Ask Ss to read the sentences in Activity 1 on page 36 and discuss the questions in pairs.

2. Ask Ss to finish Activity 2 on P36.

3. Ask Ss to discuss the correct sentences in Activity 2 on page 36 and let them find the rules of the infinitive without to.

For your reference:


(1)   cannot but;  cannot choose but cannot help but 之后的不定式一般都不带to,常翻译成“不得不”。

(2)   在连词but之前如有动词do,其后的不定式不用to, : do nothing but do, 译为“只……”,但如果but之前的动词不是do,其后的不定式一般不带to.

4. Ask Ss to translate the sentences into English.

(1)   那件事事关重大,我只好请警察来。

(2)   听到这个消息,他忍不住哭了起来。

(3)   我们不得不拒绝他的建议。

(4)   我不得不承认他对了,我错了。

Suggested answers

(1)   The matter was so serious that I did nothing but call in the police.

(2)   Hearing the news, he cannot help but cry.

(3)   We cannot choose but refuse his proposal.

(4)   I could not but admit that he was right and I was wrong.

Step 4. Homework

1. Ask Ss to review Grammar1 and Grammar2.

2. Ask Ss to finish the Grammar exercises in Workbook on P85-86.


Period 5 Cultural Corner

Teaching Goals:

1. To introduce the environmental protection in some European countries;

2. To enable Ss to talk about environmental protection;

3. To develop Ss sense of environmental protection.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision

Check the answers to the Grammar exercises in the Workbook.

Step 2. Cultural Corner

1. Leading-in

  Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 39 and answer the questions.

  (1) What is the child doing?

  (2) Why is he doing so?

2. While-reading

  Ask Ss to read the passage and discuss the following questions in pairs.

(1)   Which countries in Europe work hard to improve the environment?

(2)   How do the countries in Europe try to improve the environment?

(3)   What does the Green movement try to do?

(4)   How does it work?

Suggested Answers:

(1)   In Europe, Germany and northern European countries work hard to improve the environment.

(2)   They recycle everything, do differential collection of rubbish and have green movement.

(3)   The Green movement tries to get governments to think seriously about the environment and how to look after it.

(4)   It collects information about how industry is damaging the environment and gives this information to newspapers.

3. Post-reading

   Ask Ss to work in groups and discuss the following questions.

(1)   Are there any organizations in China whose aim is to protect the environment?

(2)   What do you know about these organizations?

4.Language Points

1. Are there organizations in china whose aim is to protect the environment.

protect from /against 使……免受……

under the protection of … 在……的保护下

save from… 使……免受……

keep/prevent/stopfrom… 阻止……做……

free from… 把……从……解救出来。

We put on our mackintoshes to protect us _______ the rain.

A.       from to     B. against to    C. from       D. against 

2.  The garbage is then taken away and, if possible, recycled.


    if possible if it is possible的省略形式。

if, when, while, once, where, 等引导的从句中如果含有系动词be的某种形式, 而且主从句的主语一致或从句的主语是it , 从句的主语和系动词be 可以省略。

 ① 当你过马路时请当心。Be careful while/when (you are) crossing the road.

 ② 如果必要的话,我将和你一起去。  Ill go with you if (it is) necessary

if 引导省略的情况归类:

if any     如果有的话    if necessary如果必要的话

if so 如果是这样的话     if ever 如果曾经有的话   

if not  如果不这样的话   If possible 如果可能的话

3. CFCs (chlorofluro-carbons), chemicals which are found in refrigerators and aerosol cans, are not allowed.

 allow vt.            允许

allow +n. /pron.       允许……

allow +doing sth.      允许干某事

allow sb. to do sth.     允许某人干某事

allow sb +prep./adv.   允许

The manager has _______ to improve the working conditions in the company.

A.  accepted    B. allowed    C. permitted    D. agreed

4. The Green movement tries to get governments to think seriously about the environment and how to look after it.

  【点拨】 本句主语为The Green movement,谓语为tries, to get ... it为不定式短语作宾语。其中,又含有get sb. to do sth.结构, 表示“让某人做某事”;the environmenthow to look after itthink about的宾语。

get 用法小结

1.get sb./sth to do sth.让某人/物做某事

You should det your friend to help you.

2. get sb./sth+n.为……准备

Will you get the children their supper tonight?

3. get sb./sth+adj.使…… 变得……

Ill get the children ready for school.

4. get sb./sth+done遭遇……,是某事被做

You must get the work finished ahead of time.

5. get sb./sth+doing使某动作惊醒起来

The lecture soon get us thinking.

5. It collects information about how industry is damaging the environment and gives this information to newspapers.

【点拨】 本句主语为It, collectsgives为两个并列的谓语动词。其中,前一部分含有一个how引导的名词性从句,作介词about的宾语。

【句意】 它收集有关工业如何破坏环境的信息并将这些信息提供给报社。

Step 3. Homework

   Ask Ss to find out more measures our city takes to protect the environment after class.


Period 6  Speaking , Writing, Task, Module File

Teaching Goals:

1. To enable Ss to describe one environmental problem;

2. To improve Ss writing skills;

3. To help Ss review what we have learned in this module.

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Speaking 1

1. Ask Ss to discuss the following questions in groups.

(1) Do sandstorms often take place in your city?

(2) What do you usually do when you cycling to school in sandstorms?

(3) What about the traffic in sandstorms?

(4) What about the sky and the air in sandstorms?

(5) Do sandstorms affect your study and life?

(6) What is your feeling in sandstorms?

2. Suppose Student A has just experienced a sandstorm, and a reporter (Student B) is interviewing him or her. Ask some pairs to perform the interview for the class.

Step 2. Speaking2

1. Present the following pictures and let Ss say what are bad for the environment. If necessary, offer the following words: damage, give out, environment, carbon dioxide, chemicals, pollute, white pollution, dig out, desertification.


2. Ask Ss to discuss the causes of environmental pollution and make a list. Then collect the information.

For your reference:

(1) Serious air and water pollution.

(2) Cutting down too many trees.

(3) Desertification.

(4) The growing population of the world.

(5) Climate changes.

(6) Waste in the use of water.

(7) High temperature and little rain.

(8) Gas from the running cars.

(9) Plastics in the rubbish.

3. Ask Ss to do discussion:

  (1) Ask Ss to work in pairs and think of several things we need to do to improve the environment and say why.

  (2) Ask each pair to compare the solutions with another pair. Then work in groups and choose two solutions that they are the most important.

(3) Choose a group number to tell the class why these are the two most important solutions.

For your reference:

Control water and air pollution.

Build green fences along the desert.

Reduce the number of the population.

Produce new types of cars.

Plant more trees.

Reduce the number of the cattle to protect the grass land.

    Prevent people using plastics bags as containers.

4. As senior high students, what should we do to improve our environment in our daily life?

Step3. Writing

1. Ask Ss to work in pairs and talk about two or three environmental problems. Make notes and write down the key words and phrases. Here are some sentence patterns:

One major environmental problem is

There is a problem with.

2. Ask Ss to work in pairs and find out as many solutions as possible to the problems and write down the key words and phrases.

  Here are some suggestions for language.

  We should

  We need to

  We must

3. Ask Ss to write down the problems and solutions. And then write two or three sentences to summarize.

One example: One major environmental problem is cars, because they pollute the air with carbon dioxide. We need to find a cleaner way to travel. People should cycle and walk more.

4. Ask Ss to exchange their writing with a partner for peer correction of content, structure and language.

One possible version

   Humans change the environment in many ways and the most serious environmental problems are air pollution and water pollution.

With the development of industry and agriculture, the air and water have been seriously polluted, which is doing harm to us human beings. And many kinds of wild animals are dying out. So we must get a clear understanding of the dangerous situation we are in and take some measures. For example, it is important to deal with the rubbish in cities. Rubbish must be treated properly, or it may pollute the air and water. And when people breathe polluted air or drink polluted water, they may get ill. So some rubbish should be sorted and sent to different factories. Rubbish, such as old newspapers and glass, should be recycled; some harmful rubbish should be sent to certain places and buried. At the same time, waste gases must be cleaned before they are returned to the air; and waster water needs be treated before flowing into rivers.

In a word, it is a duty of everybody to solve the problem and we should put into our hearts how important it is to protect the environment.

Step 4. Task

Ask Ss to design a poster that encourages people to look after the environment. Write down Ss suggestions to encourage people to take actions.

Step 5. Module File

Ask Ss to look at Module File on page 20 and try to recall what they have learnt in the module. Then tick the things they are sure that they know and put a question mark next to the points they are not sure of and a cross to what they dont know. Help Ss to share their ideas and deal with the difficult or confusing points.

Ask Ss to read some articles or novels about sports to strengthen their reading skills and enlarge their vocabulary.

Step4. Homework

1. Ask Ss to review Module 4.

2. Ask Ss to preview Module 5.



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